The Pervert Mr Lee

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Jungkook's POV

"We have a substitute teacher for Ethics. I was happy, until I found out Mr Lee was taking out class." I hear Momo say in full misery, a visible shudder shaking her body.

"We have Mr Lee today!? No way!"

Mr Lee, a substitute teacher who seems to always be free to take any subject there is. Knowing what he's done, it's now my job to make sure he doesn't try anything on Soojin. 

I've heard many stories from Jimin. Since many of Jimin's friends are women, they've all fallen victim to this Mr Lee, however I haven't seen it happen in person. There are all sorts of rumours that have built up over the years, some much much worse than the others. Those who haven't seen it in person find it hard to believe, but I've been in a few of Mr Lee's classes and I can tell the rumours are true. I've seen the way he looks at girls during class, or the way he smiles as he passes seniors in the hallway. That man is a pervert, and it makes me sick to think about. The thought of it happening to Soojin sickens me even more. 

I hear Soojin ask who Mr Lee is, which shakes me from my thoughts. I look at Soojin before looking at Momo, who looks back at me with worried eyes. I nod at Momo, giving her the all clear to tell Soojin. I look back at my desk, keeping my ears open to make sure nothing Momo says triggers Soojin in any way. Luckily, Soojin took it in easily. 

The bell rang and everyone started filing into the classroom. Shortly after, Mr Lee opens the door and walks in. The atmosphere in the classroom changed immediately, from happy and loud to stiff and cautious. This type of change is rarely seen in classes as loud as our's. 

I carefully watch Mr Lee as he looks around the classroom, supposedly looking for his next victim. I notice his eyes stop at Soojin for a few seconds, before scanning the rest of the classroom. My whole body felt like it was on fire with anger and disgust. 

Mr Lee places a pile of papers on the front desk before he starts to walk around his classroom, gradually making his way towards Soojin. My blood boiled as I watch Mr Lee stop at Soojin's desk, towering over her as he starts to smile softly. He bends down over her desk and asks if she's new, to which Soojin responds with her answer. She looked so small and scared, looking at Mr Lee as if he was about to hit her. Calming my anger, I cough loudly and say "Sir! We've wasted 10 minutes, we need to get on with the class."

Startled, Mr Lee jumps up and looks at me, giving me a slight smile before walking back to the front of the classroom. "Ok class, today we'll be learning about..."

As Mr Lee finally continues the class, I take out my phone and message Jimin. 

Me: We have Mr Lee for Ethics. He's got his eyes on Soojin. 

Shortie: F**k... ok, Tae and I will be there as soon as class finishes. Don't let him touch her, you hear me?

Me: You think I'm dumb, I'd never let that happen. Don't worry.

Shortie: If he lays a finger on her, you're dead! 

"Mr Jeon, please pay attention!" I jump at the stern voice of Mr Lee. 

"Sorry Sir." I glare at him and put my phone back in my pocket. 

After 40 long minutes, the period was finally over. As soon as the bell rang, I rushed to the hallway to look for Jimin and Tae. Getting increasingly anxious knowing that Soojin and Mr Lee are both still in the classroom, I yell "JIMIN!"

I notice Jimin's red hair in the crowd, quickly moving towards our classroom. "I'm here, we're here!" Jimin says, Tae rushing and out of breath behind him. I turn to the classroom and see Mr Lee a meer 2 inches away from Soojin's face. I notice that Jimin is looking in as well. The look on his face scares me, his aura turning black and his eyes turning darker by the second. Subconsciously, Tae and I look at each other and take a step away from Jimin. Jimin is undoubtedly the most protective of Soojin, and he wants the whole world to know about it. 

"Sir!" Jimin yells into the classroom. Startled, Mr Lee jumps up and quickly turns around from Soojin. "Sorry boys, did you need something?" He steps away from Soojin to face us and smiles tightly, allowing Soojin to run into Jimin's open arms. 

Tae steps forward with a hand on my shoulder. "Sorry to disturb you, sir. We just needed our sister for something." Tae's voice is tense. He smiles lightly as he says that, before his face quickly turns dark and he glares at Mr Lee. I smirk at the look on Mr Lee's face. Grabbing our shoulders, Tae ushers us out of the classroom and into the hallway. 

As Tae and I leave Jimin to console Soojin, the only thing I could think about is the look of defeat on Mr Lee's face as we left. 

Mr Lee... you messed with the wrong person this time. 


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