Chapter 34: Sunsets

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Outside, the air was clean and warm, a hint of calamity dancing around us as we packed the car. There were 14 of us in total, which meant that we have to take three cars. Dad driving his expensive convertable, Jin driving our seven-seater, and Baekhyun driving the five-seater. Baekhyun, of course, had volunteered to drive. We all crowded around our designated cars, stuffing our duffel bags and suitcases into any empty space we could find. Momo had insisted that she drove with me, but she also insisted that Dongmin and I should be in the same car, to which my brothers disagreed. However, Momo somehow managed to convince my brothers. 

We all made our way into the car, making sure we had our snacks and drinks for the drive. Dongmin, Momo and I squished into the back seat, Jihoon and Baekhyun in the front seats. As soon as Baekhyun starts the car, Momo wastes no time in connecting her phone to the car, starting to blast After School on full volume. We all start singing our hearts out as we follow Jin's car onto the main road. 

As the music blares in our ears and the song changes, Dongmin slowly interlaces his hand with mine, lightly running his thumb up and down my hand. I smile, leaning onto him for warmth. I feel a warm kiss on my forehead before Dongmin's head rests above mine. 

"Couple goals omg" Momo says as she pretends to gag, grabbing onto Jihoon's shoulder from behind. Jihoon simply laughs, accidently choking on his spit and searching the car to satisfy his need of water. I bend over the back and grab one of the water bottles, handing it over to him. "You're so dumb, how can you choke on your saliva?" Jihoon could only shrug before going back to chugging the water. 

The next few hours went by quickly, the car filled with laughter, singing and plenty of talking. This was the perfect opportunity for Dongmin to get to know my friend. The trip that was 4 hours seemed as if it was only 2 with my friends around. 

With a quick lunch break and a stop at the petrol station, we shortly arrived at our beach villas. As soon as the car stopped, we all jumped out. "Hey! I haven't even parked yet!" Baekhyun yelled out, quickly parking the car and rushing out of the car. 

We meet everyone on a grassy patch on the sidewalk. I looked around. There were three villas where we stopped, one a bit larger than the others. "Ok," dad comes up to us, rubbing his hands. "All three villas are ours. You guys can chose which one you want to stay in." Momo jumps onto me, linking her arms with mine. "I'm staying with Soojin!" 

"Me too!" Tae jumps, waving his arms in the air. We all laugh and agree. We discuss who's going where for a few more minutes before going back to the cars to unload our bags. I didn't think we packed so much until I saw everyone's bags on the doorstep of their villa. Each doorstep was accompanied with roughly six bags. It was a lot considering there was roughly four people in each villa. 

Everyone took their bags inside, scattering to find their room and unpacking. After an hour or so, everyone was in the living room, sprawled out on the couch and floor. With the TV playing as background music, we talked and played games for what seemed like ages.

"Oh yeah, there was a time when Baekhyun got really intimidated by Jungkook when he saw him playing basketball during PE one day." Everyone laughed as Baekhyun started going red, hitting Momo on the arm. 

The laughter was quickly disrupted by a loud knock on the door. I ran to get it. "Mum!" I was greeted with a warm hug, my mum's perfume dancing in the air. "I just wanted to tell all of you that we're gathering at the cliffside in an hour or so. We're meeting back here for a barbeque afterwards. You guys are coming right?"

I look back towards the living room, noticing that every one else had listened in. Jumping up, Momo yells 'yes' out loud. I hear my mum start laughing behind me, her eyes growing into thin lines. "Ok, then. We'll meet you all there." And with that, she leaves. 

Momo wastes no time in running to me to grab my arm and drag me upstairs to our shared room. As she does so, she yells out to the boys, saying "No one distrub us! We'll be down in an hour."

The hour goes by quickly. Momo and I almost tear out suitcases apart, finding the right clothes to wear to the barbeque. Well, to be fair, it was mainly Momo who wanted to look good. I wanted to wear a hoodie and sweats, but Momo insisted that I dressed up for the occassion. Sadly, she didn't give up until I said yes. 

An hour later, we meet the boys in the living room. "Took you girls long enough." Jackson and Jihoon glared at us. Momo simply shrugged, shoving past the two and making her way to the door. Their eyes follow her and they start to throw weird faces at each other before following her out. 

Dongmin walked up to me, a big smile on his face. "You look so beautiful." I can't help but feel heat creeping up the back of my neck. Dongmin must notice since he starts laughing. He opens his arms and brings me into a tight hug. "You're so cute. Let's go join the others." I nod with my head in his chest, grabbing his jacket as I hug him tighter. Shortly, we follow the others out.

Everything seemed at peace, the waves below us softly crashing against the rocks as the sunset colours the skies. This was it. My happy place. My family, friends, and boyfriend... all here with me. The start of a fresh chapter in our lives, one much happier than the last. 



Hey guys!! 

I'm terribly sorry for the wait. I've been unmotivated to write recently, but I finally got the last chapter out! I hope you guys have enjoyed this story, it's been an amazing rollercoaster. Thanks for all the support from everyone, you guys are really the best. I love reading your comments. 

I'm planning on writing a few short filler chapters, so let me know what you guys want me to write about in the comments. For example, you can ask me to write about the backstory behind Momo and Jungkook, or something like that. Of course, you guys don't have to suggest anything if you don't want to :)

Anyway, thank you guys so much for the support for this story!! 

- KJ

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