Chapter 5: Standards

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I followed Taehyung and Jungkook down the long hallways, to the office. "This is Kim Soojin, she's new. We need to pick up her timetable ." The receptionist nodded and gave me my timetable as the phone started ringing.

"Have fun, sweetie. I hope you enjoy Jeong High School." I smiled and nodded. The lady rolled herself and her chair across the office to answer the phone. A tap on my shoulder lead me back through the front doors. Jungkook grabbed my timetable from me, a bright smile showing on his face as he went to show it to Taehyung. "What's wrong?" There was a bit of panic and worry lingering in my voice.

Taehyung turned to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. We started walking in one direction, Taehyung on one side of me and Jungkook on the other. "What did we tell you about worrying on your first day?" I looked down, remembering what they had previously said.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook started laughing while Taehyung messed up my hair. I ducked under his hand, taking a few quicker steps forward. "Hey! Now my hair is messy!" I patted my hair and ran my fingers through my hair. I stopped once I had reached a turn in the hallway, turning around to face the boys. I saw Jungkook still holding my timetable. I held out my hand and beckoned at my timetable. He hesitated before handing it to me. "What made you scary all of the sudden?"

"You've messed up my hair. This is my first day and you told me not to worry, but I need to worry if my hair is messy. Aren't we meant to represent our family? I can't go into a classroom looking like this!" The expression on the boys' faces were priceless. After my little rant on why my hair should be perfect on my first day, I feel like I may have proven a point and scared them a little more. I checked my timetable;

Class 2.1

I tilted my head slightly at my class number and began to walk in a random direction, obviously choosing the same way we were heading before. As soon as I started walking and following the class numbers, I heard quick, loud footsteps behind me. I wasn't surprised when I was, once again, walking with the boys on either side of me. I rolled my eyes and walked quicker, hiding my face from all the girls looking at me. I felt really overwhelmed by most of the girls glaring at me. I really don't like it when people look at me, my face started to get a little hot from all the eyes. I noticed my feet start to move faster and faster until I came across the girls' restroom. I went inside and walked straight to the sink.

The cool prickles of water stung my face against all of the cold air around me. My breathing was heavy and I stabilised myself with my hands pressing onto the cold counter. I slowly looked up to myself, my face was slightly red and damp. The little baby hairs around the edge of my hairline we sticking to my wet skin as I ripped a piece of a paper towel to wipe my face.

"Hey, you! What are you doing here?"

I was startled my a feminine voice that came from behind me. I turned around to see a girl with two other girls behind her. She was pretty, but her voice and personality said otherwise. Her long hair was let out, and she'd often flip it back. "You're new, right? Well... then let me introduce myself. I am Seo Yuna, the most popular and prettiest girl in school." She stepped towards me, causing me to try and step back against the counter. Her eyes glared deep into mine.

"Step away from my boys, you got it?!"

"W-what boys?"

"You know who I'm talking about! You will never live up to their standards! Never mess with me or you will regret it!"

She yelled at me. I hate being yelled at, it makes me so scared. I felt little droplets of water well up in the corners of my eyes, but I forced them to stay in my eyes. She stood up straight and I took the time to sprint to the door. I burst through the door in a heap and ran in the direction I was walking in before. I didn't want anyone to see me slightly crying, so I kept my head low and let my hair flow over my face. I was running so quickly I didn't realise where I was going before I bumped into someone. I was sent to the cold, hard ground. "Owww!"

Step Brothers | BTSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon