Chapter 4: First Day

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My First Day

The day I've been excited and nervous for.

The days have slowly been counting down as the two weeks flew past. I've gotten closer to Jimin and I've managed to be introduced to Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok in the past week. Jin, the eldest, was so caring of his younger brothers and loved to cook. His sharp jawline and perfectly styled hair easily made him one of the visuals of all the seven.

Namjoon seemed to be very reckless, the reason I met him being that he had slightly tripped on a cable and sent a few frying pans sliding across the tiled floor. Although he was clumsy, his cute dimples quickly paid for it. His hair was slightly dyed a silver-ish grey at the tips.

Finally, I met Hoseok. He seemed to be the brightest out of the bunch. His smile could light up a room of grumpy old grandpas in a matter of seconds. He apparently goes dancing with his friends often, and he's pretty good at it to.

Jin was taking us to school today. When I mean us, I mean Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook and myself. I put on my uniform and walked into my bathroom. I decided on leaving my hair down, so I quickly brushed my long hair since the boys were waiting for me. I scavenged through my newly arranged drawers to find my hair ties. I shortly found two black ones and quickly slid them on my wrist, just in case I needed them throughout the day.

I ran downstairs with my shoes on. My skirt was short, but thank goodness it wasn't too short. After looking for my mother and finding her nowhere, I quickly ran to the front door just as I heard the car engine start.

I saw Jimin leaning against the door frame, waiting for me. This made him look like one of those typical popular boys in those dramas. As he saw me coming, he turned and extended his arm out to prevent me from passing. "Jimin, what are yo-"

"Tie your laces." He looked down blankly at my shoes as I followed his eyes. I quickly duck down to tied my laces as I notice a backpack Jimin was holding. "This really is the best day, isn't it!" I ran upstairs as I harshly threw countless things across my room to find my backpack. Then I remembered I packed it the previous night and left it downstairs. I ran back downstairs and ran around the living room, jumping in frustration when nothing was in sight.

I felt someone grab my shoulder and haul me to a sudden stop. "Calm down! You're stressing way too much." Jimin's voice managed to sooth my emotions instantly. I turned around to see him fully. He screamed popular bad boy, but was actually a chubby mochi. His uniform was tailored to fit him perfectly, that was probably why my mother brought me to get my uniform tailored for me. I feel like our family has to show a good example, especially since there's a girl between all the guys now. " Tell me what's wrong?"

"I lost my backpack and I don't know where it is and I'm super stressed and I can't find it and I feel like it's lost and this is the perfect way to start my first day at school!" Jimin started laughing at I quickly spoke. Probably realised my serious and confused face, he stopped and held up his backpack.

"It's right here!" Jimin held up the same bag he was holding before. I checked inside and, sure enough, my phone and books were inside. I put it on my back and formed my hands into fists.

"YOU'RE SUCH AN IDIOT, YOU KNOW THAT!? I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" I started punching him as he started to run outside. I pulled the door closed as I chased Jimin to the car. Even though I was angry, I couldn't help but smile when I slid into the back seat next to Jungkook at the back.

"What took you two so long?" Jin carefully said as he reversed out of the driveway. He took quick glances at us as Taehyung was nearly turned around completely, with one arm around the seat head. "I was looking for my backpack," I had to take a few deep breaths to calm my breathing, "and Jimin didn't tell me he had it. Why didn't I check the bag? "

"And why would Jimin be holding a baby blue backpack with gold on it?" Taehyung stated. I felt dumb and that I was complaining like a baby, but it was all true and I have every right to complain. I rested my head on Jungkook's shoulder and he looked down at me, surprised by my action. "He made me run and now I feel dead!" I weakly pointed at Jimin as I pretended to slip off Jungkook's shoulder so my head was on his chest. Jungkook got the idea of what I was trying to do and started to caress my hair, slowly 'calming me down'.

"It's okay, Soojin! Jiminie is always like that!" He laughed. Jimin shot lasers at his younger brother, "I'm older than you! You have nothing against me!" I slowly sat up, looking at Jungkook with a raised eyebrow. Jungkook slowly lowered down so he could whisper in my ear. "Don't worry, I have plenty of things against him. I'm just better than him..." I started laughing at what he said to me. I can feel Jimin staring at me, even though I'm not looking at him.

"Jimin! Are you jealous?" Taehyung had to say something, didn't he? Now I could tell Jimin was mad. I slowly sat up from my previous position, and squeezed up against the door. Angry Jimin looked scary, and I could tell he didn't get angry often. I decided to stay quiet for the rest of the drive.


As soon as the car stopped, Jimin jumped out without saying a word. All of us looked down, then at each other. Jin had now turned around so he could face all of us. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's not your fault. If anything, it's Tae's fault. So don't worry, okay?" I looked up at Jin, who had interrupted me. I don't usually like people interrupting me when I speak but, in circumstances like this, I don't really mind. I just slowly nodded my head without saying anything. When I looked back at Jin, he was smiling at me and it kinda made me want to smile too. "Come on Soojin," Jungkook said," this is your first day. You can't be sad, you need to make a good impression!" I smiled at his statement.

"Yeah, and you need to make friends. Don't worry about Jiminie, we'll talk to him." I nodded once again, before exiting the car with the boys. I saw a bunch of girl whispering and looking in our direction. Once they saw me look at them, they all started panicking and ran away. Why are they running away? Is it the boys? Do they know who we are?

"Soojin!" I was shaken out of my thoughts when a voice yelled at me.

"Yes?" It was Jin. I noticed I was standing right in front of the closed door and I wasn't moving. Jin had the driver's window rolled down, so he was able to touch my arm.

"Don't worry. Jeong High School is a very prestigious school. You'll find it easy to fit in!" I nodded at him and smiled. I looked up at the wide length of stone stairs that lead up to the school.

"Come on, Soojin! We can't be late. Jimin has already left!" Taehyung pointed out into the distance where I could slightly make out the figure of Jimin slowly disappearing over the edge of the staircase. I nodded and ran over to the other side of the car to meet my brothers.


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