Chapter 31: Finally Over It?

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3rd Person POV

As weeks passed, Soojin's mother had managed to get her to starts doing school from home. Tae and Jimin would pick up Soojin's classwork from her friends at school, then bring it back home for her to complete.

Months passed by and Soojin slowly started to get over her fears from that one night. It took months for her to overcome it, but everyone was glad she finally did. She gradually started going back to school after 3 months and, by the time another 3 months had passed, she was going back to school full time. It took Soojin 6 months to fully get over ther fears, going back and fourth to counciling sessions, which took her a month of two to actually agree to. Now 6 months had passed and it was safe to say she had almost fully recovered. 

 Now, it was the end of the school day, the bell ringing loud in the student's ears. 


Soojin's POV

"Soojin! We're going to the park now, you wanna join?" I turn to see Jihoon running after me, trying to catch up to me in the hallway. I smile at his bright smile, so glad to be able to see it again after so long. I see Momo turning the corner and smiling at us before she walks over to us, linking her arm with mine. 

I smile at her before looking back at Jihoon, shaking my head. "Sorry, I'm going out with Dongmin today." 

Momo squeezes my arm, giggling like a child as she smirks at me. "You two have been going out a lot lately, are you sure you're not interested in him?" 

I jump when Baekhyun come up behind me and pokes at my ribs, scaring me half to death. "AHhHHH OMG!! BAEKHYUN!" All 3 burst into deep laughter, holding their stomaches in pain from laughing too much. "Hey, not funny!!" I reach out to slap Baekhyun hard on the shoulder, causing him to wince in pain before hugging me tight and giving me puppy eyes for forgiveness. I laugh and roll my eyes, looking away from him. 

"Anyway, Soojin totally likes Dongmin. I can see it, both of you like each other so much, you should start dating already!" Baekhyun sticks his tongue out when I glare at him. 

"I don't like him." I try to argue back.

"Don't lie to yourself, sweetie," Momo hums, "we can all see it. You totally like him." I shake my head and roll my eyes again. I start to take a few steps back when I look at my phone as it buzzes. "Oh, Dongmin's here, I better go. Bye guys!" 

"Tell lover boy that we say hi!" Jihoon yells after me as I start to walk away. I yell a quick "sure" before making my way to the front gates. I smile bright when I see Dongmin leaning against a pillar, waiting for me at the front gate. "Dongmin!" I yell, quickly jogging to him. 

"Oh hey, that was quick." He says with a big smile. I nod and jump up to hug him tight, letting my arms wrap around his thin waist. Dongmin laughs in surprise before hugging me back. "You miss me that much?" He says with a laugh, releasing me from his warm bear hug. 

"Of course I do, I haven't seen you in a week!" I exaggerate, throwing my arms in the air. He laughs and messes with my head, pinching slightly at my cheek before grabbing my wrist and saying "let's go!". 

"Sorry, I ruined your uniform." I say, tugging down on his blazer to straighten it out as I follow him to wherever he's taking me. He shakes his head and laughs, "you say that as if your uniform isn't just as expensive as mine. I ruined your's too."

I laugh and shake my head. "No, it's ok. It's not ruined."

"See that's the same reaction I have." We both laugh. I look up at him and smile before slightly laughing at myself. Dongmin looks down at me with a questioning look. "What?" He says in between laughter. "My friends told me that we should be dating." I say with a smile, quickly looking away and looking down at my feet. 

"Do you like the idea?" 

My eyebrows shoot up in surprise, catching me off guard. I can feel my cheeks and neck heat up immediately, beads of sweat forming at my neck. "I... uhh... what do you mean?" Stupid, stupid. It's the only logical reply I could come up with.

I hid my face in my hands like an idiot as Dongmin smiles down at me, taking his free hand and rubbing my head cutely. "Haha, you're so cute. I was kidding." 

I smile up at him, but I can't ignore the little ache in my chest when he said that. 


"Dongmin!!! How much further? We've been walking for ages!" We've walked for a while, taken a bus 20 minutes out of town and continued walking from there.

Dongmin laughs at me, not letting go of my wrist. "We've only been walking for 15 minutes, what are you talking about?" Dongmin's eyes go wide as he realises our surroundings. 

"Ok, ok. We're almost there, close you eyes." I found it weird but did it anyway, pulling my hands over my eyes. I turned to him, waiting for him to tell me what to do next. He let out a small chuckle and placed his hands on my shoulder, guiding me along the footpath. I didn't notice much about the place we had walked into, just the fact that it was some huge park. 

The fact that my eyes were covered made me even more alert about my surroundings. Not to mention that my balance was completely off. The occasional sway of my body happened to often, which caused me to hold on to Dongmin's arms as he guided me onto some grass. 

Dongmin lets go and walks somewhere, then I hear him say "open your eyes" from somewhere in front of me. I open my eyes to find Dongmin standing on a in front of a picnic rug, a big bouquet of red roses in his hands. 

"D-Dongmin?" I question. He smiles up at me and walks towards me, taking my hand in his and bringing me to the picnic blanket. "This is for you." He shyly says as he hold up the bouquet of flowers for me. I chuckle and take the flowers. "Thank you! They're beautiful!" 

Dongmin takes my cheek in his hand and laughs. "You're blushing." He pulls away and covers his mouth, trying his hardest not to laugh. 

I look away in embarrassment, covering my face as I feel it getting hotter. "Ah, no no no I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." Dongmin rushed up to me and holds my face in his hands. "You're cute." He says breathlessly as he stares into my eyes. 

"Dongmin?" I fist at his shirt as he starts to come closer to me. He wraps his hands around my waist. "Soojin, I have something to ask you..." 

"What is it?"

"Will you... be my girlfriend?"



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