Old Friendship

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It was a warm spring day. Jungkook was getting picked up by his older brother Yoongi after school. Waiting quietly, Jungkook watched his friends get into their cars or walk home. He waved to the ones that yelled out to him, saying their goodbyes for the weekend. 

As the 10 year old boy awaits his brother, a young girl stumbles into him. Jungkook is sent to the ground, the girl falling on top of him. "I'm so sorry!" the girl shrieks before getting up and running off. Jungkook stands up, brushing his knees and staring at the girl's back as she disappears into the distance. 

The young boy later realised the girl was Hirai Momo, the new Japanese girl who had just started at the school. Jungkook finds himself laughing at the event. A confused Yoongi walks up to his brother, wondering why he's laughing so creepily. "Jungkook, are you ok?" Jungkook looks shocked at his brother, a sudden change in his emotions. 

"She hurt her knees! Yoongi, the girl hurt her knees!" Jungkook runs up to Yoongi, tugging at his shirt. Yoongi shoves the young boy's hands away, trying to make sense of what Jungkook is saying. "Who hurt their knee, Kook?" 

"A girl fell over and hurt her knee." Jungkook pointed to the way Momo had ran. Yoongi nods understandingly. "Should we see if we can help her?" Jungkook nods quickly, running off in the direction Momo had ran without waiting for Yoongi. 

"Hirai Momo!!" The little boy yells, despiration in his voice as he tries to catch up to the young girl. She turns around after hearing his yell, eyes glossed over as if she's been holding in her cry of pain. Yoongi slowly catches up to the two and pats Jungkook on his back, an encouraging smile on his face. Jungkook turns around and pulls out some tissues from his backpack. Giving it to Momo, he says "Are you ok? I'm sorry for not helping you before, let's be friends!"

Deep down, Jungkook knew that Hirai Momo didn't have friends at school. She was quiet and polite, and many kids didn't play with her because she was too shy. Jungkook, of course, had noticed this, as well as many others. 

"Ok! Let's be friends!" Momo pipes, her eyes growing into lines that match her bright smile. Her previously misted eyes are now bright as she claps her hands in joy and takes the tissues Jungkook gives her. 

As the two starts talking, Yoongi shifts his school bag to another shoulder, his bag heavy from high school textbooks. "Come on, Kook. We should head home." 

Jungkook nods up at his older brother and says his goodbyes to his new friends. "I'll see you tomorrow, Momo!" He says as he slowly backs away, his eyes not wanting to leave her. Momo yet again nods and smiles back at him. 

For following years, the two have stayed friends. However, the two never really got too close. They stayed friends ever since.



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