Chapter 24: Forget the Past

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"You know what to do, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. Get Kim Soojin and bring her here. Is it really the Kim Soojin that goes to your school? Jeong High School?"

"Yes, you idiot! Why wouldn't I know? You don't even go to my school!"

"Do I really have to do this? How much will you pay me?"

"Of course you have to do it! How much you get paid will depend on how efficiently you get the job done."

"Fine. Just don't tell my mum about any of this. I may get grounded if she finds out what I'm doing." 

"Come on, I'm your cousin. Why would you get in trouble for helping me out a little? It's not like we're going to kill her, it's just a little wake up call for the people around her."

"A little? You owe me a lot after this."

"Yeah, yeah... like I care. Anyway, just get it done, then it's all over."


Soojin's POV

After what seemed like forever, I'm finally able to sit on the lounge next to the big grand piano in the comfort of my home. Without any spiders to keep me on edge, I'm at peace. I stare at the piano, my musical desires rushing through me. 

My thoughts avert to the time Seokjin had accidentally come into my room and seen my guitar notebook. I suddenly have an urge to play guitar, but Jungkook had left my guitar at Namjoon's apartment, which was quite a distance away.

"Soojin? Soojin!!" I snap out of my thoughts as I hear a voice coming from behind me. As I turn around, I find Yoongi looking back at me, slightly concerned. 

"Are you okay? I've been calling you for ages."

"Oh, sorry. I guess I was deep in thought." I said quietly. Yoongi nods slowly, taking a seat next to me on the couch. "Tell me what's on your mind? Is it something at school?"

"No, no... it's nothing like that." 

"Come on, Soojin. I can tell something is bothering you." 

"Well... I don't know. I just have this urge to play my guitar, but Jungkook left it at Namjoon's place."

Yoongi looks at me with raised eyebrows, a questioning look in his eyes. "I thought he brought it back, I guess not. You can borrow Jin's guitar is you'd like." 

I stand up, furiously shaking my head. "No, no, no, it's okay. I can just go without for a few weeks. I mean... I could always play the piano instead." I smile softly at Yoongi. He looks at me, but looks as if he won't take no for an answer.

"Plus, it's his guitar, I don't want to ruin it. The way he plays may be different to the way I play and the strings might get messed up." Yoongi looks up as if he's thinking about something. After a while, he looks back at me, smiling.

"Why don't you skip school today. Let's go buy you a new guitar."

"What!? I already have a guitar, at Namjoon's place. I don't need a new one, seriously. I'll just wait to get it back. Don't you have work, anyway?" At my words, Yoongi smiled. 

"I did. I just sent a message to my secretary saying I'm sick and can't make it today." Yoongi says as he shoves his phone back into his pocket. He was so swift in taking his phone out that I didn't even notice him move. "I'll get in trouble if I take an unexplained absence. Come on, let's go!" 

"But what about the school? Are you sure you can do this?"

"Of course I can. I'll call the school later," Yoongi starts to walk towards the corridor," should we take Jin with us?" He asks. I nod and smile. 

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