Chapter 6. Jack's Past and the MonTrix's Powers

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Ben 10 belongs to Man of Action Studios and Cartoon Network

Monster Hunter belongs to Capcom

RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum

I only own my OC and Ultimate forms

Dedicated to Braedey95 and CorJayNelson


Opening - Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Theme


Beacon Academy

When the Bullhead finally lands and the four came out, Jack and Emma stares in awe at the school that resembles a castle with a large tower in the middle with green lights. They recomposed themselves as they quickly catches up to Ozpin, who walking towards the school in a steady pace.

"*Whistles* So I'm guessing this is Beacon?" Emma asks as they caught of with them.

"Yes Neme- I mean Emma." Ozpin corrects himself. "This is the school and here, I am the Headmaster. But first, the both of you are highly required to participate in an initiation. It is the tradition. But do not concern with that as I belief that both of you will pass he initiation with flying colors."

"It's all great and that," Jack spoke next. "But Emma and I would prefer that few people know our 'abilities' and Emma being a human Nemetrix with the same abilities." Jack in a concerned, yet strict tone.

Jack knew, that if word of Emma and his MonTrix ever came out, naturally scientists and the military, would attempt their hands on them and try to replicate them. He would promise that nothing bad would happen to the MonTrix and his Emma-

Jack mentally shook his head at the last part. His Emma? They only just met. Sure, she made him smile and all that, but that doesn't mean they're already a thing. Is it?

"Very well. Mister Andros." Ozpin said, agreeing to Jack's demands. "We'll do everything in our power to keep your abilities a secret to the public and will only be shared with those of people you choose to trust."

"Thank you Professor." Jack said in relief whilst Emma nodded as the four entered the Academy's main building.

3 hours later.....

After Ozpin and Glynda finished giving Jack and Emma their tour around Beacon, they decided to eat something and head for the cafeteria. Jack had a chili burger with a cold softdrink, while Emma had simple vegetable salad. She was hesitant as first, due to the fact, she was originally a weapon and did not know many thing about having a body. But Jack manages to convince her and ate her salad.

After having their bellies full, Jack and Emma decided to head towards Ozpin's office and Jack wants to let them know about his past.


Headmaster's Office, Beacon Academy

After a very long elevator ride (in which Emma had to shook Jack after he fell asleep), Jack and Emma set foot to Ozpin's office. The room is rather large with several gears and clockworks at work. The back wall holds a singular window which appears to be a functioning clock face. In the front of the window is a single desk with a unique design based off clockwork gears, where Ozpin sat in his chair.

"Nice of you to join us, Mr. Andros and Ms. Emma." Ozpin greets. "So I see you want to tell us of your past, is that right Mr. Andros?"

Jack grimaces, but nods in acceptance. Taking a deep breath before telling his story. "You see, from where I come from, it wasn't advanced compared to your universe or even in the universe where I now live, but instead, it was a universe where sometimes "survival of the fittest" is your only motto. For you had to fight creatures dubbed, "Monsters."

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