Were finally out

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Lomadia's P.O.V

He walked up to me and slapped me across my face. I closed my eyes but my face stung and I was on the floor when I opened my eyes. I looked up and saw him standing over me

"Now thats what you get for using your powers." He said. I saw Kim go round the back of him and jump onto his back. He dropped his knife and tried to get Kim off of his back.

"Get off me!" He yelled. I crawled over to his knife and picked it up.

"Kim get off." I said. She jumped off his back just as I slashed his leg. It wasn't deep but he was in pain. Just as I did that I heard police sirens.

"Guys can we go." A ginger man said

"Sparks we need to stay incase he makes any moves." Elissa said. I got up off of the floor and ran to this man.

"Guys what happened to Duncan, Sips and Sjin." Kim asked

"Well Duncan ran into a wall and Sips and Sjin are in a cupboard over there somewhere" Sparkles said pointing to a cupboard.

"Sips! Sjin." I yelled just as the doors opened to show two men in uniforms which said police on it

"Wheres is he." One of them said

"Hes over here." Kim said pointing to a man on the ground. Lewis picked Elissa back up and started to talk with one of the police men.

"Can we at least go to the hospital before you start asking questions." I said after sometime. I think they were a bit shocked with what I said but they agreed. We got to the hospital with lots of other people but there was space in Kims car so I got in. We were told to go into the waiting room while Elissa has an operation and while Simon and Duncan are treated for there injuries.

While we were waiting Lewis thought it would be a good idea to introduce me to everyone

"But why do you want me to know everyone? I asked

"Because I'm adopting you. Well me and Hannah are." He said I was so happy that he said that and that I wasnt under his command anymore. For once i smiled.

A/N: Im getting to the end of the story with only a few chapters left to post. Unless you have any ideas this book will soon be finnished. I'm happy that it has so many views on it. I was hopping that i could reach 100 chapters on it but i might not. I will be writing more books but more info on that in the very last chapter.


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