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Elissas P.O.V

When I woke up this morning with revenge on my mind. I woke up at about 10am so I went downstairs and said "Hannah could you help me with something."

She said "yeah sure what do you need help with."

We went into the kitchen where I said "getting revenge on Martyn." While making myself some breakfast. After a bit of time talking we settled on scaring him. The next time he was playing a game on the oculus I was going to sneak in and scare him. I asked Lewis if we could go to yogtower today. He said yes. Woo hooo I can scare Martyn today and decorate my office tomorrow while still having time to finish painting my own room.

When we got in the car I turned on my music but I only managed to get through Euphuemia. When we got there I ran up to my office untill I heard Martyn walk into the livestreaming room. I took my shoes and socks off and looked inside. Dam he isn't wearing his oculus. Oh wait yeah he is. I ran into Hannahs office and said "hes in the livestreaming room get your camera." With an evil grin.

We tip toed infront of the livestreaming room and saw Martyn with his oculus on. I opened the door ever so slightly to see if he would notices and of course he was oblivious to everything around him but just to make sure I waved my hand infront of his face. Yep hes too into his game. I tapped him on his back and whispered "Martyn." Then ran behind the table where the computers were set up.

Martyn took his oculus off and said "who was that? That wasn't part of the game." I tried so hard not to laugh. When he put his oculus back on I gave Hannah a signal to open the door to a) hear him scream and b) make a quick run away. I could see what was on Martyns oculus and saw he was playing a scary map I waited untill after the next jumpscare and he had calmed down a bit to grab his sholders and yell "ahh" I ran out of the room just before he took his headset off with Hannah outside. I grabbed her hand and we ran around the corner. We were both giggleing by then but I said "is the camera still going."

"Yeah it has a full battery, it won't run out till tonight if were still going to record him." When we heard the door close we went back outside the livestream door and told Hannah "Stay there untill he comes out and go into his office. I'm just going to scare him one more time." I ran into his office and hid underneth his computer desk.

After what felt like forever I saw Hannah put her hand in the doorway which ment hes coming into his office soon. I got ready not just to scare him but to run. When he came into his office I jumpped, went "ahhh" and ran out saying "never give away your secerets and never record me again." When I got back to Hannah who was around the corner I highfived her when I heared footsteps and they didn't sound happy.

"Well see ya Hannah it was nice knowing you." I said while taking the camera off of her and running to my office. I said nice knowing you because Hannahs office was oposite Martyns so how she was going to get back to her office without Martyn noticing was beond me.

When I got back to my office I slipped on my shoes and uploaded the footage to my computer when Martyn came through the door.

"Hi Martyn how are you doing today."

"Oh im doing great with the occational jumpscare here and there." He said his face looked like I had slapped Kaeyi, thats how angry he looked.

He then sofened up saying "I know you did that to get back at me but keep in mind everyone is going to see you in that video."

Oh that never crossed my mind everyone is going to see what I look like. Well its about time they did Hannah has posted a picture of me on instagram so I can show my face in one video.

Hannahs P.O.V

We just pulled off the best jump scare ever on Martyn. When we heard him coming Elissa just left me.


Martyn sounded really angry but I had to keep myself from laughing. In the end he just said "why."

"Well when you recorded Elissa singing she wanted revenge on you so I joined in because I though it would be funny." I said

"Oh ok then do I still look angry." he asked

"No not really pretend someone slapped Kaeyi and you want revenge on them. There you go." I said.

I then walked back to my office and recorded with Nilesy some star trek.

After recording I went into Elissas office and told her it was time to go home but when I got there I found Martyn laughing on the floor with Elissa and a video up on her computer. Elissa then said "can I then."

Martyn replied with "sure you can." Inbetween laughs. I saw Elissa click upload I think it was for the video we did earlier. When I told her it was time to go she said bye to Martyn and for him to tell Kaeyi that she would love to see the cats one day. When we got in the car she put her music back on and started to stare out of the window.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked scaring her

"What oh nothing just thinking if I should paint some more of my wall tonight but I've always got tomorrow." She said in a really happy mood.

When we got home Elissa went up to her room. She sure does spend a lot of time up there.

At 10 we went upstairs to go to sleep. I went into Elissa's room and saw her curled up in a ball on the floor and she looked adorable so I lifted her up onto her bed, tided her paints away and went to bed.

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