Geting weapons

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Martyn's P.O.V

We have a plan of getting a wepon storming the guy and saving Elissa and this other girl.

"Everyone be back here as soon as you get a weapon." Lewis said

Me and Kaeyi walked home and as soon as we got in Kaeyi turned round and said

"Stinky we not going to do this are we" she asked

"We dont have to but I would die than not have the whole yogscast members together." I said. I didn't see the vines grow as I hugged Kaeyi, they were pulling us together almost as if we didnt want to go. I kissed Kaeyi on her forhead and said

"Get something in an hour. We going to save Elissa."

Lewis P.O.V

After everyone went I tried to talk to Hannah but got no answer. I had my weapon ready. I just need Hannah.

Kim's P.O.V

Duncan dropped me off luckily I still had my zombie apocalypse gun weapon from when I did my kimpression on the last of us. When we arrived he said

"Be ready in thirty minuets."

"Ok dunc see you later." I said. I ran back to my apartment and got the gun/sword/bat/drill out. I also have some ammo because I was saving it for a real apocalypse but won't bring it cause I don't have a good aim.

Duncan P.O.V

After I dropped Kim off I went back to my office and got my machete out to slay this bitch. I wonder what everyone else is bringing.

Simon P.O.V

I could bring jaffas or a pen knife. Im sorry jaffas but I could eat you now. Well looks like I'm taking the pen knife.

Lewis P.O.V

After an hour everyone started to come back to my house. I tried one more time to get Hannah back

"Hannah. I know you can hear me. I want you back. Only you know what hes like and I know you can't walk but please help us." I pleaded standing next to her.

"He has a knife and maybe some other weapons." She said

I smiled at the fact I could hear her voice one more time.

"Thank you" I whispered before leaving her side.

Adopted by who! (Yogscast fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ