Lazy day

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Hannah's P.O.V

I woke up really early this morning and its only a sunday. I walked into Elissas room to see what she had drawn on the wall. I couldn't belive it a 15 year old can draw better than most adults can. I saw her IPad and unlocked it, she didnt have a password because I dont think she knows how to put one on, and saw a perfect replica of what was on her wall to the character on her photos app.
I think I was in there for most of the morning because I heard elissa wake up so I placed her IPad back down and slowly got out of her room. When I got downstairs and I saw the clock, it was only 8:30am. I wonder what time she went to sleep last night?

Elissa's P.O.V

I woke up and saw Hannah in my room. I didn't get up fully to see what she was doing. I think she heard me move because she put my IPad down and walked out of my room. I got up and cleared away all of my art stuff and laied down on my bed for a bit of time but I was right about last night that once I go to sleep I don't want to draw the next day so I'm glad I finnished drawing last night. After sometime I went downstairs and got some breakfast when I saw Hannah in the living room. I said "Good morning."
"Good morning to you too." Hannah said "How did you sleep last night?"
"Oh I slept all right." I answered "Why are you up so early?"
"Errm I got up early because I had a good night sleep."
"What are you gonna do today?" I asked.
"Nothing probibly going to watch a movie with Lewis today."
"Could you drive me to the nearest arts shop please. Later on." I asked
"Ok later is 12:30 ok with you." Hannah asked
"Yeah so 12:30 then." I confrermed
I then walked to my room and flopped down on my bed. "I could use with a couple of hours extra sleep." I muttered before closing me eyes.

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