another livestream done.

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Elissa's P.O.V

This livestream was all right. We managed to get the four chords song done with a drunk Parv, he looked so hammered. I felt really sleepy and when someone plays the guitar I feel even more sleepy so half way thought the four chord song I fell asleep.

Martyn's P.O.V

Four chord song done. Elissa asleep yep. We didn't plan for that. I phoned lewis.

"Hey Lewis, the livestream is finished and Elissa is fast asleep."

"Ok Martyn I'm just about to get in my car I'll be there in five minuets."

"Ok see ya Lewis." I said just before hanging up. "Beckii, Sparkles you two won't be going for a bit will you."

"No why?" Sparkles asked

"Someone needs to stay with Elissa untill lewis gets here." I explained

"Ok Martyn. We are still seeing you after christmas."

"Yeah. Ok bye." I said. I walked out the doors and walked a home.

When I got home I was greeted by Kaeyi.

"Stinkey where have you been? It's nearly one am" she said

"Sorry the stream ran long" I explained

"Ok then. See you in the morning." she said before she walked to the bedroom. I wonder what everyone is doing.

Elissa's P.O.V

I woke up and I was in my room. So I went downstairs and got some breakfast. Today I was having scrambled eggs and toast. I was nearly finnished when Lewis came down.

"Good morning." I said with a smile.

"Morning Elissa. What are you going to do today?" he asked

"I'm going to finnished the rest of my wall and then make a list of what colours to get." I said.

"Oh ok then." we then staied in silence untill it was time to set off for yogtowers.

when we got there we went off and did what we normaly do so Lewis went to his office to record moonquest, Hannah went to her office to record advent and I went off to my office to finnish drawing my wall.

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