You are so dead littlewood!

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Elissa's P.O.V

When Lewis got back from work we were all going to go out for dinner but when I turned my IPad on to see if anyone had uploaded anything. I saw YOGSCAST MARTYN UPLOADED A NEW VIDEO. And it was titled MUST WATCH. So I opened it up to see the back of my office chair a bit of a guitar poking out at the side and me singing. I turned off my IPad and started to pace around my room. After a bit of time Hannah came into my room and asked me "Whats wrong?" I replied with "Martyn. Thats whats wrong. He posted that video of me singing earlier." Hannah came and sat down on my bed trying to comfort me.

She then said "it will be ok Martyns videos normaly get a couple hundred thousand views." We then hugged untill Lewis came through the door which scared me a bit. As Hannah and I walked downstairs I couldnt stop thinking of Martyn and the video he had posted.

In the car lewis said "everyone at Yogtower is going to be there." I was thinking "great. Im probibly going to sit opposite Maryn and forced to talk with him." When we got there I saw everyone was all ready there, there were three empty seats inbetween Simon and Kim but they were opposite Kaeyi Martyn and Toby. I managed to get the seat opposite Kaeyi which was next to Kim. We all sat down and Lewis introduced me to everyone in yogscast and everyone to me. I kept on looking at Martyn though because he posted that video after I told him not to. We all started talking but I tried to avoid all convosations with Martyn untill Kaeyi said "Martyn how did your video go today?" She was either trying to seceratly say "How has the video you posted of Elissa gone so far." Or just asking how the video he posted went. I still dont know if he has shown it to Kaeyi yet.

Lewis P.O.V

When we had sat down I saw Elissa was giving Martyn a consant death glare. I thought it was nothing so I turned and talked to Simon, Toby, Rythian, Nilsey and Zoey. I kept on think why Martyn posted that video of Elissa singing I mean it was obvious that she doesnt like singing in public or where anyone can hear her. After sometime I heard Kaeyi ask "Martyn how did your video go today?" I was hoping that she all ways asks him this after he got home from work. I think Elissa was thinking the samething because she looked at Kaeyi for a bit. We heard Martyn say "The video went great and I think it already has a couple thousand views." While looking at Elissa. I cant beleve he posted it after Elissa and I both told him not to post it.

We then went back to the car and it was getting late so Elissa fell asleep in the car. She always looks so peaceful when she's sleeping. I then carried her in and put her in bed when she mummbled something, I didnt understand what she said but it sounded like no stop. She must be having a nightmere.

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