Am i going mad

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Hannah's P.O.V

Me and lewis were sitting in the living room when we heard the door open, we went to it and saw Elissa. She flinched. No knowing what to do I said,

"Where the hell have you been. You have been gone all day and night."

"I'm sorry but at one I went and visited Sparkles* and Martyn again and I staied with Martyn to keep him company because Kaeyi had not left his side since so Kaeyi went home and I staied with Martyn, I then fell asleep and when I woke up it was one am so I called everyone eventhough they would be asleep and I didn't want to walk home so I staied with Martyn at the hospital all night." She said

"Ok but next time tell us where you are going because we were scared that something had happened to you." Lewis said.

"I know you were visiting Martyn and Sparkles* but you need to be punished for staying out and not telling us where you were going." I said

"Elissa you can visit martyn for an hour a day with me or Hannah and you are not aloud to control any of the livestreams for a week." Lewis said

"Ok then." She said before going to her room.

Elissa's P.O.V

I have never been grounded before, I mean I've been abused and teased but never grounded. This punishment is better. I sat on my bed and started talking to Mokoto, Chaki and Kosuke. With some of the things I was saying I'm glad Hannah or Lewis didn't come upstairs. After a bit of talking they turned into Sparkles Kaeyi and Martyn. I swear people must think I'm crazy talking to a wall or to people in my life who aren't even in the same room as me. As I carried on talking I could begin to see kaeyi's blond hair bouncing around, she was wearing glasses, I could see her blue eyes, her dress that she was wearing, then martyn with his short blond hair, blue eyes, green shirt, jeans and trainers, then Sparkles his light ginger hair, striped jumpers, jeans, headphones and trainers.

Sometimes I went onto the most random topics but knowing what they would say I always came back to them. At one point Hannah came into my room and they faided from my sight, I started to look round only for them to appear a few seconds later

"Where did you go?" I asked

"Well only you can see us and you only see us when you are thinking about us." Kaeyi said

"So if someone walks through the door I think about whoes at the door and not you guys." I finnished. I got lost talking to them that I couldn't remember what was real and what was in my head. Over the couse of the week I didn't leave my room and Hannah came in at eight am with cerial, one pm with a cheese sandwhich and six pm with what ever she had cooked for tea. Even when she was in my room I still carried on talking to Martyn, Kaeyi and Sparkles.

Eventhough I havn't know them for long they feel like the closest family I have apart from Lewis and Hannah.

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