Martyn sneaks into the office

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Elissa's P.O.V

I have finnaly finnished my drawing. it will be a bit of a christmas present to everyone. and by everyone I mean Panda, Rithian, Nilsey, Zoey, Minty, Sparkles*, Parv, Leo, Koge, Toby, Martyn, Kaeyi, Kim, Hannah, Lewis, Simon, Duncan, Sjin, Sips, Turps, Strippin, Ridgedog, Bebopvox, Zylus, Hat Flims (Alex, Ross and Chris) and Davechaos. I'm glad they are all my family and we all act like family. I started to walk to Hannah office and as I got there it was very quiet. No one was shouting, laughing or talking.

I walked down the coridoor and I could hear a little girls voice saying "please, I need a friend. Will you join me?"

I was only snapped back into reallity when I ran into sjin.

"Hey Sjin." I said

"Hey Elissa. What just happened to you?" He asked

"What do you mean?" I asked trying to sound normal.

"You were acting really paranoied, looking everywere, covering your ears, bumping into stuff." He said

"Oh thats was what I was doing. Sorry ive kind of gone a little crazy since I was grounded." I said

"Oh ok then well I need to get back to recording. See you later." He said before turning a corner. Am I really going crazy, well more crazy than I normaly am. I carried on walking to Hannahs office when i turned the corner I saw a unrcognisable face with green eyes, blond hair and pail pink lips. I blinked and he was gone. He didn't get through the doors and he didn't duck behind the doors. It must have been my mind.

I eventually reached Hannahs door and peacked through the window. What I saw could not be unseen, Hannah and Lewis kissing and not normal kissing, full on snogging eachothers face off. I calmly walked away before going bat-shit crazy in my office.

Martyn's P.O.V

I woke up this morning and saw that Kaeyi was vloging, she was talking about something that happened yesterday when I said,

"Good morning stinky."

"Look who finaly got out of bed at two PM." She said. It took a while then it hit me. TWO PM!

"Shit shit shit I'm late for work." I said in a hurry

"Well yes you are because it is two in the afternoon." She said.

After I got changed "bye stinky. See you later." I said after giving her a kiss. I walked out the door, ran down the stairs and out the doors, running to yogtowers.

I managed to sneak into yogtowers without Lewis or Simon knowing I was late. After five minuets kim walked into my office and said "why were you late?"

"God Kim. Your not my boss." I said acting like a stroppy teenager "And I over slept."

"Ok then. But I think simon needs to know this." She said before walking out my office. I silently got out of my chair and picked up Kim saying "good job your small and light." While she demanded to be put down. Lets see should I put her down. No!

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