Another normal day

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Hannah's P.O.V

I woke up went into Elissa's room looked at the painting, a normal morning but it doesn't feel like it is going to be a normal day. I heard Elissa moving so I went downstairs and made breakfast. After a short time Elissa and Lewis came downstairs. After breakfast we got dressed and went to yogtower.

When we got there everyone was in there offices and we all went to ours.

About five minuets later Kim came into my office and said "Yesterday I recorded Elissa sing." At first I was shocked that my best friend would record my daughter singing. Wait did I just call Elissa my daughter. I started to smile while Kim carried on talking about what Elissa was singing and what she said after it.

She then asked "do you want to see the video."

"Heck yeah I want to see my daughter singing." I said. I think Kim was a bit shocked at the fact that I called Elissa my daughter but she showed me the video.

Elissa's P.O.V

Got to my office and sat down on my chair and looked at the wall with the drawings on. I smiled at all of them as I went through them. Kogie, Toby, Martyn, Kaeyi, Kim, Mum, me, Dad, Simon, Duncan, Sjin and Sips. Wait did I just call Hannah and Lewis my mum and dad.

I finally belong in a family.

I turned round, started my computer and started to play minecraft. I should carry on from the mansion I was building the other day. By 12:51 I started to get hungry but I created a texture pack for the mansion and built the second floor foundations. I knew watching Sjin lets builds series was a good idea. I walked down to the kitchen and saw that there was no cheese. I looked around for some biscuets, Simon won't notice if I take a box of jaffas.

Woops. I ran into Simon while walking back to my office.

"Hi Elissa. I know we havn't spoken so I'm Simon." He said

"Hi. Errm I'm taking some of your jaffas." I said rushing it

"How many is some?" He asked

"About this many." I said showing him the box.

"That is an opened box?" He asked worryingly

"God Simon I know you love jaffas but everyone else might want some." I said while walking to my office.

Close call.

When I got back to my office I sat down and alternated between eating jaffas and playing minecraft. After ten minuets I save and closed my minecraft down. I then opened up the internet and looked for guitar tabs for shi no brado.

After finding a completed sheet I wondered down to the music room and picked up a guitar. I turned round and saw Sparkles*, Leo, Parv and Koge. I just froze. Oh crap. I got through them but I felt someone pick me up from behind saying "Quick Parv get the guitar and Leo grab her legs." The guitar was grabbed from my hand and I felt a pair of hands around my ankles. I was put back into the music room with Koge holding onto my sholders as I sat down on the chair.

"What do you want Sparkles*?" I said with a grumpy tone

"Do you want to sing with us?" He asked

After a bit of thought "Yes. But next time just ask don't pin me down." I said "Can I have the guitar back as well." Pointing at the guitar in Parvs hand

"Oh sorry. Here you go." Parv said. I took the guitar out of Parvs hand and walked off. Really all they had to do was ask me. When I got back to my office I saw that my window was open.

I looked out and saw.


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