The Forbidden Fruit | 20

Start from the beginning

"So why did you even ask? I have to go pack my bag. How long are we staying because frankly, I wanna get the fuck out of this hellhole as soon as possible." Aaron exclaimed as he leaped off the chair, causing me to fall into Max's arms.

"Four days, or a week." I shrugged. His eyes widened as they snapped towards Max who wiggled his brows as if it were their secret way of communicating. I chuckled and shook my head in amusement before waving him away. "Just go pack your bags."

Everyone except Tyler–shocker–got up and rather excitedly ran to their rooms to pack their bags. I wish Tyler would just leave but that wouldn't satisfy him.

I avoided his gaze as much as I could but seeing as we were the only two standing before one another you could figure out how awkward this encounter was becoming.

"You're blushing. Is there someone in New York that you're thinking about who could possibly make you blush. Because I'd want to beat their ass right now."

I snapped my head towards Tyler and nibbled down on the inside of my cheek to prevent myself from laughing.

"Or is it me that's making you so nervous?" He drawled not so subtly. He didn't even try to hide the fact that we made out so intensely this morning. Way to go Tyler.

"You wish, Hart." I scoffed before pivoting on my heels and stalking away. Not so surprisingly he fell into step beside me, not word escaping his lips as we walked side by side.

"Done checking me out babe? Take a picture. It'll last longer." He exclaimed. For a moment I didn't realize that my eyes were plastered onto him and I blushed in response, tearing my gaze away from him.

"I see the love bites haven't faded." He murmured more to himself, smirking softly which I had seen from his side profile. I didn't get a moment to process his words as the elevator doors slid open and students rushed out.

We both stepped in without another word but I could feel his eyes undressing me as I clicked the button to our floor and leaned on the support bar, trying my hardest to ignore him.

Epic fail.

"You look beautiful today, Arabella."

"Thank you."

I heard his footsteps move from behind me till a jolt of electricity rippled through my body when his hands snaked my waist and his lips brush my cheek.

I sucked in a harsh breath and leaned back into his chest although I tried my hardest not to. Damn you hormones. "No need to thank me. Thank the people who created such a magnificent human being." He mumbled into my ear.

"So cliché, Tyler." I breathed out, my voice in a soft tremble. I hated that and I knew he got the satisfaction of hearing me fall under his freaking spell to the point where I could barely let a word out without trembling or stammering.


"What are you doing to me?" I asked in a hushed tone. I immediately regretted my question as soon as his body stiffened from behind me and his lips stopped brushing my ear.

Stupid, Arabella. That was a retarded question.

"I could ask you the same damn thing princess."

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