Upcoming New Story

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So I'm taking a break from Evea's universe for a little while. This is a story I started to write a little bit ago. I am not going to publish it for a while because I would like to write the whole story first in order to give everyone some consistent update times, along with a more presise story. But I would appreciate your feedback on this part. This is a small chunk of the first chapter. So I'd like to introduce you to Ocean Eyes.

Camellia sat on the beach, staring at the distant waters. She watched the bubbly sea foam crash onto the grainy sand. She let her wavey fawn hair be pulled everywhere by the unruly sea breeze and let the gentle sun warm her lightly tanned skin.

She had always been drawn to the sea. There was something pulling, begging her to escape into the waters. It was almost as if part of her lay in the sea. Yet here she sat, her feet stuck in the wet sand, dreaming of the day when she'd leave this island.

Someday, she thought, I will travel beyond those waves.

"Cami!" A voice yelled, bringing the girl out of her thoughts,"Camellia!"

"Coming mother!"Cami gently yelled back, briskly standing up.

Cami brushed of the skirt of her light blue knee length dress, straightening the puffy fabric. She then ran to her house, which was not very far away.

Cami's house was not very spectacular; in fact, it was a made out of worn driftwood, put together by a poor young man. That man was her father. The house was rather small, only consisting of enough space for a bedroom, kitchen, and loft. The weather beaten shack was very homely, surprisingly so, it held a single window and door. Camellia did not mind though, it was her home, the place she grew up in.

"What did you need mother?" Cami questioned, whilst opening the door and stepping in from the sand.

Inside the house was a small kichen; it contained a small fireplace and miniscule table, made from various woods. On either side of the fireplace sat a set of cubords, filled with delicious spices. At the table sat a small plump woman. She had a small nose and green doe like eyes. Her lips were rather thin but surrounded by dimples. The woman had whitening red hair and a warming look.

"Your father is already at the market with most of our goods, but the loaves of bread were running late so you must take them please." Cami's mother replied.

"Okay mother." Camellia said, moving towards the table.

She picked up the basket of delicious looking breads from the table and laid them in her arms.

"Goodbye mother." Cami stated, walking to the door, over the worn, wood floors.

"Goodbye dear." Her mother smiled back."Oh, and Cami dear."

"Yes mother?" Camellia inquired.

"Find yourself a boy." Her mother said with a smile.

"I'll try mother." Cami replied, her cheeks slightly heating up.

Cami walked out of her house and followed the Sandy path that lead to the market. It was rather worn down from all the years and feet that had padded down its long road. The sides of the path were covered by colorful plants. Reds, blues, yellows, and vibrant purples emerged from the dense green foliage.

Cami hummed as she walked along the path; a sweet melody taught to her by a wealthy merchant who occupied the booth next to her family's. She wondered who she would meet today at the market. That was her favorite part, meeting distant people from far off lands. Those wonderful beings always had time to lend stories to the beautiful girl. The most intriguing stories were those of the sailors, who had just arrived back from their sea voyage. They told stories of their daring quests at sea, never missing a detail. Cami loved the stories, they pulled her into a world in which she could explore, one in which she could follow her longing, which always lead to the sea
So thoughts?
As I said before this is just a small part that I'd like some feedback on.
Thanks so much everyone,

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