Alan Goes Back to Work

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Today is the day Alan goes back. Im going to miss him but I cant wait to see him when he comes home tonight. We had a great time not just as a family but as a couple this past week after the open of the Harry Potter World and we will be doing it all over again in the next month or so. This time in Flordia.

We got up we ended up showering together and made love together in the shower. Its been while since we done that and God how much I love doing that and him. The way he makes me feel and how he takes me higher when we had sex.

We got out and dried off and got ready. I had a lot of errins to run while he was at work. We got dressed got the kids up. Our new friend Michelle came over to watch the twins while I went out to do runs. We kissed each other and off we went. I asked him before what he wanted to do for dinner and he told me and said I would have it ready by tonight. 

Mr. And Mrs. RickmanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin