Secret Ex-Boyfriend

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I rested in bed while Selena turned on the TV. Since Justin's not here, I had a friend over. Selena is one of my best friends. I don't know what I would do without her. She let me stay with her cause I couldn't deal with dad. We watched Dance Moms. I smiled as I saw my little sisters dancing. I didn't like them being yelled at by Abby. She's a rude person sometimes. My eyes felt a little sleepy. She looked at me. "You tired?" She asked. I slowly nodded. She put blankets over me and turned off the TV. "I'll be here when you wake up." She said. I smiled sleepily and drifted off to sleep. Damn, tiredness is definitely a pregnancy thing. I been asleep for 4 minutes. Somebody shook me gently. "Skye, Skye?" A voice said. I slowly opened my eyes. That was Selena. She smiled. "Wake up! I cooked you some soup and a drink of gingerale." She said. I smiled widely. "Thank you Sel." I said. That's literally the sweetest thing. She helped me get off the bed. I walked in the kitchen and started eating the soup. She fake pouted. "I never seen Kalani and Jason's nursing room." She said. My jaw dropped. How does she know their names? "Um, how do you know their names?" I asked. She smiled nervously. "Her name starts with an L." She said. I groaned. Exactly, Lexi. I don't think she might be the best secret keeper when it comes to kids and pregnancy. I sighed. "It's ok Sel. Lexi is probably too excited about them." I said. She nodded in agreement. I smiled a bit. "But you will see the nursery for them. I have a picture." I said. She looked at me in awe. "Show me!" She said. I chuckled and gave her my phone. She gasped.

She smiled

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She smiled. "It's so cute!" She said. I laughed. "Yup when they're born, Jason will have the blue bed and Kalani will have the other." I said. "That's so adorable. You told me Rochelle was sorry. Is that true? Cause she was a really mean girl for starters." She said. I nodded in agreement. "She was. But Sel something happened to her years ago. It completely turned her into a harassing, aggressive mean girl. She finally told me and I hoped she told my aunt Kimberly. No girl deserves to be disrespected sexually." I said. She looked at me. "Disrespected sexually? You mean...taking advantage of?" She asked. I slowly nodded. She smiled sadly. "That's awful. Is she gonna get some help?" She said. I huffed. "I'm not sure. I haven't talked to her after she left but hopefully." I said. I wasn't much worried about Rochelle's situation. My mind couldn't stop thinking about the fact she mentioned my ex-boyfriend Dylan. I never even told Justin about him. Not even the girls and Selena. The only person who knew was Lexi. I took a deep breath. I have to be happy, happy for the baby. Selena rubbed my shoulder. "What's wrong?" She asked. I sighed. "Me and Lexi had another altercation with Rochelle and she mentioned something I never told you guys. Not even Justin." I said. "What is it? Please don't let it be another monster out to kill you." She begged. I chuckled. "No way. It's something else." I said. She stood quiet. "When I was 11, I had a crush on this guy named Dylan. He was the cutest boy in his school. Then somehow he transferred to my old school. I really really liked him. The boys never got my attention except him. He looked at me and smiled. It was the sweetest smile. I tried to shake off my nervousness and talked to him. After that, we began talking more and more. Then one day he came up to me with flowers and said he had feelings for me. I was really happy because I liked him too." I told her. She looked at me in shock. "And what happened? I'm so shocked." She said. "We went on a few dates and our relationship became the talk of the school. Kids would say we're so cute together and we're a power couple. I wasn't shy to hold his hand and kiss him. I've met his family and he didn't met my dad but Lexi. We began dating from 11 to 13 years old. Dylan was my first love ever. Dad gave me news about moving here so I was deep down upset. Because I won't ever see Dylan again. When I got to school, I was looking for him to tell him. Then this happened. We had recess outside and I was still finding him to talk. He wasn't near the playground. Suddenly, some girl motioned me to come see something. I walked over to see him...kissing another girl on a tree. It really hurt me. I ran off before he could see me. Lots of kids began to notice. The same girl said you're a jerk. I definitely agreed. At home, I cried myself to sleep to stop hurting. At that age 13, I also seen my mom's grave. But it was apart of a lie so I'm not getting to that. The next day, I told Lexi everything and I wanted her to keep it a secret. Dylan kept calling and texting me. Somehow the word spread that I was moving. So I know he wanted to talk. But I didn't care anymore. I just deleted him out of my life and moved here. And I never contacted him again." I explained. Selena was way beyond shocked. "Wow. I'm so sorry Skye." She said. I sighed. "I'm ok. But it's a real shocker my first love broke my heart." I joked. She chuckled. "And I was like, baby baby baby oh! Like baby baby baby!" She playfully sang. We laughed. I groaned. "What do I say to Justin?" I asked. She smirked. "You don't have to tell him. Maybe you should've when you guys first started dating. But not when you're about to be parents." She said. I smiled. She's right. Dylan is just my ex-boyfriend at a young age. I love Justin more than anything. "Thanks Sel. Rachelle mentioned it and I'm like I couldn't believe she brung him up. Man, she was such a mean girl." I said. She rolled her eyes. "I don't have time for cattiness." She mumbled. I clapped proudly. "Preach." I said. She chuckled. "Alright do you want me to go? Justin could come any minute." She asked. "Maybe you could stay a bit before you leave. When Justin's back, you can go." I said. She smiled. "Ok." She said. I could've told Justin about Dylan, but he's just an old flame. My true love is for Justin and our babies.

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