Secret of Mari Mitchell

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William POV

I laughed as me, Justin and Hakeem were taking a walk home. Lexi drove the girls home. We wanted some guy time so we took a walk. Justin slightly growled at Hakeem. He returned the gesture. Ugh, can these two go a day without shading each other? I get it Hakeem wants to protect Skye from getting hurt. We all know Justin will never hurt her. Why is he really protecting her? I snapped out of my thoughts as we came across a cemetery. I smiled. "Whoa. The cemetery." I said. Hakeem scoffed. "It's where people died bro. That ain't cool." He said. Justin rolled his eyes. "Can you shut it?" He said. Hakeem growled and threw a stick at him. Justin yelped a little. He smiled. "Let's check it out!" I said. We walked into the cemetery and saw many gravestones for the loved ones. Super sad yet mysterious. "Somehow I feel like something's here." I said. We wandered around here. I walked pass every stone till one caught my eye. My jaw dropped. "Yo! Check this out!" I whispered/yelled. Hakeem and Justin walked up to me. This gravestone had lots of flowers, rose petals and a picture. A picture of a girl. "Who's stone is that?" Hakeem asked. I read the words that are engraved. "Mari Mitchell. Lived from 1996 to 2008. Age 14." I read. Hakeem picked up her picture. "Damn, for someone that's dead, she damn sure was fine." He joked. I chuckled quietly. Justin elbowed his arm. "Respect the girl even though she's dead." He said. He put the picture down. I almost walked from the stone but I stepped on something hard. Something hard in the dirt. I looked at it. "I think something's in the dirt. Let's dig it out!" I said. Justin raised an eyebrow. "Really? There is?" He said. I quickly nodded. We began digging out what was in the dirt. I pulled it out. "Are you out your damn mind?! Messing with a dead girl's resting place?" Hakeem whispered/yelled. I wiped the dirt off it. A pink jewelry box with blue polka dots. My jaw dropped. "Whoa!" I whispered. Hakeem was confused. "It's just a jewelry box. Why would somebody bury a jewelry box?" He said. Justin smiled. "What if it has gold?" He asked. I smiled widely. "Or a hundred dollars!" I added. Hakeem quickly tried to open it. "A hundred grand?! Damn!" He said. I smacked his hand. "No! We gotta tell the girls! Then we'll open it!" I told him. He scoffed. "Please! They'll probably tear it up for the jewelry." He joked. I chuckled as I grabbed the box and we ran home.

Skye POV

I groaned as Lexi tried to make a handstand on the couch. She stood very still. Miley chuckled. "Lexi, you're gonna fall flat on your belly! And one of us got 911 on dial." She joked. Kendall and Kylie laughed. She rolled her eyes and kept her balance. We hung out in the living room. Selena was doing homework, Demi was writing a song, Miley and the rest of the girls were goofing off. I kept telling Lexi she has to practice to be perfect at handstands. "Guys!" We heard the boys. They slammed the door and Lexi lost her balance. She fell flat on her belly. All our jaws dropped. William smiled sheepishly. "Oh, sorry Lexi." He said. She groaned in pain. "Just shut the door softly." She mumbled. I helped her up. William smiled. "We found something you may like!" He said. Demi fake smiled. "Is it a ticket out of this conversation? Cause I'm writing a song and I need quietness." She said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes. "We went to the cemetery and found something cool!" He said. Selena looked up from her homework. "Will, you went to a cemetery? Why would something cool be in there?" She asked. I nodded in agreement. "Yeah a place where dead bodies and gravestones lay isn't cool at all." I said. Justin chuckled. "No, show them!" He said. He showed us an old pink jewelry box with blue polka dots. It would be pretty if it wasn't too old. "How did you find this?" I asked, touching it. "It was buried in the dirt next to a 14 year old girl's grave." He said. My jaw dropped. Oh lord! I touched the dead's box of gold! I quickly wiped my hand on my shirt. "So three stooges found an old jewelry box belonging to a deceased 14 year old girl? Ooh! Exciting!" Kendall said sarcastically. They rolled their eyes. William huffed. "Oh yeah, what if it got precious jewelry to make you rich? Or precious jewelry to wear?" He said. She looked at him. He smirked. The girls ran up to him and took the box. I chuckled. "Guys, you know he's lying, there's no- she cut me off. "Look at this!" Kendall said, opening the box. We looked. There was lots of jewelry. We started taking the jewelry out the box. They were all so gorgeous. I had a necklace with American colors on it. Miley had one with the word Love graved with a rose. Kendall had a small colorful bracelet with a big pink heart. Selena had two bracelets; one striped and one sparkly pink. Kylie had a necklace with a silver horse. Lexi had a cross necklace and a pink cross bracelet. Demi had two necklaces with lots of emojis on them. As for cross necklaces, she must've been Christian. Well, God rest her soul. "There's no money?" Hakeem asked. I sighed. "Nothing but two quarters, one nickel and one penny. Whoa." William said. I chuckled. I pulled out two more accessories. These two was really curious. One is a necklace with a pink and silvered heart and the letter M in the middle. The other is a bracelet with different stones and a dark blue gem with a name engraved. I looked closely. It read Mariana. This girl's name is Mariana. "Um, guys?" I said. They looked at me. "Look at these two. Both have the girl's name." I said. They looked at the accessories. "Her name is Mariana?" Demi asked. I nodded. "Oh. Mari is short for Mariana Mitchell." William said. Mariana Mitchell? Wow, that's kind of unique. "Babe you dug out this Mariana girl's jewelry?" Selena asked. He nodded. "Luckily, we have a picture of her." Justin said. William shown us her picture from his phone. She looked so beautiful.

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