Amsterdam, NL #TeenMusicTour

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"Yay ya! We're in Amsterdam!" I yelled. Demi and Selena groaned, half asleep.
Selena sighed. "Skye it's 9am in the morning!" She said. I rolled my eyes. "Duh! We have to be up to rehearse and do whatever before the concert!" I said. Demi put a pillow over her head. "I rather sleep than whatever." She said. Selena nodded in agreement. "I'd celebrate that too." She said. I started thinking of how to wake them up. My brain clicked. I smiled deviously. I went into Demi's stuff and pulled out two sticky string cans. I tip toed up to Selena sleeping. I smirked.
On the count of three. 1. 2. 3. "WAKE UP!" I yelled. I sprayed sticky string on her. She instantly woke up. "Skye!" She yelled.
I sprayed sticky string on Demi. She quickly woke up. "Seriously Skye?!" She said. They growled at me. I smiled nervously. "Get her!" Selena yelled. They began chasing me around the bus. I went back and forth. I ran into the bathroom. I tripped and fell in the bathtub. They laughed. "God bless the bathtub for washing...and tripping!" Demi joked.
They laughed again. I laughed at myself and got out the tub. "Girls!" We heard Karen. I quickly shushed them and we hid in the bathtub. "Where are you? You need to get up for rehearsal at 1!" She said. She looked for us in the bunk beds.
She opened the bathroom door and we came out the tub. We sprayed sticky string on her. We kept laughing. Karen smirked. "Ok! Ok! You got me and you- She grabbed another sticky string can and sprayed us. We screamed and laughed. "Won." She finished. We laughed. "Alright missies! Chop chop! Time for breakfast!" She said. Demi chuckled. "You sound like a mom." She said. Karen left the bus while we got dressed and cleaned up for the day.

We got off the bus chatting. Paps were taking pics. I ignored and met up with the others for breakfast. This time we went to IHOP. I ate chocolate-chip pancakes and syrup. "So we're in Amsterdam? How can I find my Amsterdam girls?" Hakeem said. I playfully rolled my eyes. I feel like Hakeem is torn between me and his fangirls. "I know how you can find them." Demi said. He looked at me. "How?" He asked. "Your bedroom." She joked.
We laughed. He slightly growled and went back to eating. We should have fun in Amsterdam. "Guys there's lots of places in Amsterdam! If we wanna make some memories, we oughta see them!" I said. Hakeem chuckled. "Ok where?" He asked. "No idea but I guess we could- Selena cut me off. "Wait! I forgot my cousin lives in Amsterdam! His name is John and I'll call him to let him know I'm here." Selena said. She got up and walked away. I looked at Demi. "Cousin John?" I said. She nodded.
"Yeah. He lives in Amsterdam. I met him when me and her were 8." She said. I nodded. Hakeem playfully rolled his eyes. "We're just gonna see her Amsterdanian cousin? Oh fun." He said sarcastically. Justin threw a strawberry at him. He yelped and growled at him. I chuckled quietly. "It won't be bad Keem. Besides he might be cool." I said. Selena came back. "He said its ok for us to come visit! But warning, if you guys are allergic to pollen and's best you stay in the porch." She said. I looked at her. Pollen? Cats? Ugh. I literally hate cats and I'm not allergic to pollen. "I hate cats." Justin whined. "William's the one allergic to them." Demi said. I breathed a breath to relief. "Oh good. He hates cats too." I said. Selena scoffed. "Relax! He only has two cats named Willy and Wonka. They're harmless." She said. We started low-key chuckling. She looked at us. "What?" She said. "Willy Wonka!" I laughed. They laughed more. Selena chuckled. "Ok he liked Willy Wonka when he was little so he named his cats Willy and Wonka. It's kind of cool though." She said. I smirked. "Yup he named his cats after the master of a chocolate factory." I said. "Cmon Skye I would name my pet after a movie. Maybe." Demi said. Justin chuckled. "Let's just go." He said. We left the restaurant and got in the Range Rover to cousin John's.

We made it to Selena's cousin's house. "You sure this is the place?" Demi asked. She nodded. "Yeah, he gave me the address." She said. She knocked on the door. It opened and there was her cousin.
He smiled. "Hey hey!" He said. Selena laughed. "Hey John! How are you?" She said. "I'm good. I see you brought your friends." He said. He looked at Demi. He gasped. "Is that you Demi?" He asked. She giggled. "Hi John." She said. They both hugged. "You were just a girl with glasses and here you are." He said. His attention turned to me and the boys. "Who are you?" He asked. Selena laughed. "I'm Skye!" I said. "I'm Justin." He said. "Sup I'm Hakeem." He said. "Nice to meet you three! Come in!" He said. We got inside his house. We heard a cat meow. Oh lord. A yellow cat hopped on the couch. "Willy! Off the couch!" He said sternly. The cat got off the couch. We sat on the couch. Me? I tried my best to get away from the cat. Then another who must be Wonka hopped next to Justin. He looked instantly afraid. Wonka did nothing but walk around and put his paw on his lap. He jumped a little and scooted closer to me. John noticed his terrified look. "It's ok! He won't hurt you! He's very playful." He said. Hakeem smirked. "He had a dream that a cat ate him. That's why he hates cats." He said. Justin growled and kicked his leg. John looked at him. "Ouch." He said. Willy and Wonka ran to their playpens and played with their cat toys.


It was lunchtime. Selena helped John cook chowder. I haven't had chowder in a while. It was super delicious though. We finished the soup and Demi played a bit with Willy and Wonka. I rubbed Willy's head. He walked around me and meowed. He's actually cute. Justin took 3 steps away from them. I smiled. "Justin they're not bad. They're not gonna eat you." I said. Hakeem chuckled. He huffed and walked up to me. He kneeled beside me.
He rubbed Wonka's back. He meowed and came on his lap. He wiggled his tail on him. Justin smiled a little. "Awww!" He said. Willy hopped on my lap and licked my nose. I chuckled. Demi rubbed his head. "They're really cute." I said. Justin chuckled and played tug of war with Wonka. I looked at the house clock. It's 12:40. Omg! We gotta rehearse! "Guys it's 12:40! We have to get to rehearsal!" I said. Me and Justin put Willy and Wonka down. Selena said goodbye to John and we drove back to rehearsal.

We rehearsed and tonight was the concert. There was 40,000 people in the audience. I smiled widely. I always wanted to perform in front of a crowd like that. Selena performed A Year Without Rain and Summer's Not Hot. I came after Hakeem and performed Lover and Body Speak. Justin came on and performed Love Me and U Smile. I blushed. It reminded me of the music video of us. Some fans tweeted are we dating cause I was in the video and the OLLG. Yet we'll tell the world after the tour. Demi came on after and performed Solo and U Got Nothin On Me. I cheered and cheered. This is our best concert yet! I yawned. It was 11pm and we're on to the next city. Toronto, Canada. Somehow Justin didn't look comfortable when he found out. I hope he's ok. I got under the blankets and went to sleep.

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