I'm Still Her Friend

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It was 8am in the morning. We slept from 3 to 7 due to spending hours waking up Justin. No matter if I'm sleep or awake, I can't stop thinking about Mariana. It's like I should go and find her, I oughta catch up with her and ask how is she. But I can't do that because she's in Michigan and I'm here. No way I could fly back to see her with no clue of where she is. I was downstairs alone. The others were upstairs. Selena and Demi needed more time to sleep. Kendall and Kylie slept as well. William and Hakeem were occupied playing video games. Justin slept on the couch downstairs. I was eating breakfast till Lexi came in the room.
Lexi smiled. "Hey S!" She said. I waved.
"Hi, just eating breakfast. Mostly thinking." I said. She looked at me. "What are you thinking about? Justin?" She said, smirking. I chuckled. "No, after waking him up at 3am." I said. Lexi huffed.
"Can't believe it was easy to shake him gently." She said. I nodded in agreement. "I'm thinking about something real shocking." I said. She held my hand. "What's wrong?" She said. I sighed.
I have to tell her. Mariana's been gone for a year or two. "Um Lexi, you know William bring that girl Mariana's jewelry box from her grave?" I said. She nodded. "It's a shame somebody with great fashion sense passed away." She said. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Truth is...her name is Mariana Mitchell. I know her name because she was my best friend. We been friends since 4 years old. She kind of helped me get through after Mom. I was hopeful of not losing her like I lost her. Then one day, dad took us camping and we almost played in the swamp till Shere Khan saw us. He chased us but we got away. That was the actual first time I seen him face to face. Weeks later, her mom called my dad saying she went missing. The police were now searching for her. I completely forgotten about her after so long. Now I remembered her, I'm worried if she's forever lost. Or...dead." I explained.
Her jaw dropped. I knew she be shocked but I don't care. "I thought she is dead?" She said. "No! She was missing and probably still! I don't know why people claimed she died. She never did." I said.
She looked at me. "Did you ever called her?" She asked. Oh, I never thought of that. It's been a while. How could I not call? "I do have her number. How can I call her after a year or two?" I said.
She patted my shoulder. "It's the only option." She said. I sighed. She's right.
I pulled out my phone. I dialed her number. I waited for an answer.
"Yo?" She said. Wait! She actually answered?!
I took a deep breath. "h-h-hi. Mari?" I said. She gasped. "Skye? Hey! I missed you so much!" She said. "I missed you too! Where you been after a whole year? Everyone searched for you including your mom." I said. "Oh? Her?" She asked. I nodded. "Yeah. These people even made a stupid grave thinking I'm dead." She said. I sighed. "Not gonna lie, you could've been." I said. "I actually ran away. To here." She told me. My jaw dropped.
Here? She's here?! In California?!
"What?! How?" I asked. "I'll explain everything to you. Other than that, I'm so happy to finally speak to you." She said. I smiled.
"Me too." I said. "How's Lexi? I know she lives here too!" She asked. I quickly nodded. "Yup! Definitely!" I said. She chuckled. "I'll see you ok?" She said. I nodded. "You too!" I said.
I hung up. "Omg! She's ok!" Lexi said. "I know right? I'm still in shock!" I said. She chuckled. "She said she'll explain everything! What about the others?" I said. She smiled nervously. "Plan B?" She asked. Justin stirred awake. He saw me and smiled sleepily. "Hi babe." He said softly. I smirked. "How was your sleep? After the one at 3am?" I asked. He smiled and kissed my cheek. "Where's everyone?" He asked. Lexi smirked.
"The girls needed more sleep and the guys are playing video games. You really kept us up till 3am." She said. He chuckled. "Sorry not sorry." He said. I nudged his arm. He began eating breakfast I made. "By the way, I'm leaving later to meet somebody. Can you last being here without me?" I said, stroking his hair. "It better not be a boy." He said. I chuckled. "You too cute Jay." I said.
He smiled and kissed my lips. "I'll be fine. I'll miss you." He said. I rubbed his hair. "I'll be back ok?" I said. He nodded.

Later on, the others were full of energy again. They were chatting and laughing in the living room. I put on my tank top, pants and my Nikes. Lexi knew I'm leaving so she tried to distract the others so they wouldn't know I'm seeing Mari. I came downstairs. Lexi saw me and mouthed 'go ahead' to me. I nodded and left without making a sound.
I was walking on the sidewalk, Mari sent me her address to her house. I stood on her porch. I knocked on the door. It opened and revealed the face I never saw for a whole year and two. My best friend. Mari smiled. "Hey." She said.
I smiled a little. "Hey." I said.

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