"A tease?"

"I like to tantalize girls."

"Oh," Myrtle breathed deflated.

"Only girls worth tantalizing," Draco added, not wanting to make Myrtle feel bad. It seemed to work, judging by the way Myrtle swirled down from the ceiling and sat on a bench while Draco finished drying off.

"You look tired," Myrtle commented, her translucent eyes staring at Draco's quicksilver.

"Tired doesn't even begin to describe it."

"Tomorrow's Saturday," Myrtle offered, indicating that he could sleep in.

"Today is Saturday," Draco yawned, now more tired as he realized it was almost four in the morning. "I have a lot to do. I can't sleep in. A few hours and I should be good."

"That's not healthy, sleep is for the living. You need it."

"If I don't do what needs to be done I won't be living," Draco whispered, grabbing his trousers and beginning to dress.

"Well, if that happens you could share my toilet with me."

"You don't think it's a bit too soon?" Draco grinned. "I mean moving in is a big step."

"You're teasing me again," Myrtle murmured, trying hard not to smile at Draco's humor.

"I am," Draco smiled.

"I don't mind when you tease me," Myrtle admitted coyly after a few moments of thinking. "You're not malicious."

"You don't know me," Draco chuckled.

"I know you well enough."

Draco decided not to correct Myrtle. He knew he could be an ass, but he decided not to be one tonight. Myrtle, though dead, still seemed to have a tremendous amount of feelings and these days he understood exactly what loneliness was like.

"Good night, Myrtle. I enjoyed our little chat."

"I enjoyed the show."

Draco looked back for a moment and raised an eyebrow at Myrtle's smug comment, before laughing himself and leaving. By the time he reached his dorm room he was ready to just lay in the doorway and sleep. He dragged his tired feet across the floor and flopped down on his bed. Only, to his surprise, he had flopped down on something hard. He sat up and realized someone was under his sheets already sleeping soundly.

Graces, he thought tiredly, knowing she was the only person that wouldn't wake if something heavy came crashing down on her legs. He lifted the sheets and realized she had disillusioned herself so she wouldn't be seen. Probably so she wouldn't be seen by Nott, Draco concluded bitterly. He looked over to Nott's bed and felt a shiver go through him when he realized the other boy wasn't there. Draco wondered what it was Nott was doing for their Lord and how close he was becoming to him.

He quietly made his sister visible and closed the curtains around his bed snuggling close to her. He wished she did this more often and yet he knew he couldn't ask her to. He didn't want her in this room with Nott around and he didn't want her to know how little he slept. If she came to sleep with him more she would know he didn't really sleep and the last thing he needed was Graces fussing over him.

No sooner had Draco closed his eyes was his alarm going off for him to return to his task. Two hours. He had only received two hours of sleep, it felt like two seconds. He reached over to silence the blasted golden clock, when Graces beat him to it. The blonde reached out a lazy hand and firmly held the clock until it was silenced, not even bothering to open her eyes.

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