Chapter 25: The Worst Thing

Beginne am Anfang

How this girl was still alive, or conscious for that matter, I didn't know. I DID know why she hadn't tried fighting back, though. Her left wrist was chained to the table along with bother her ankles.

I had also noticed blood near....that place, no doubt having been entered so viciously it had ruptured something inside. That definitely confirmed that she had been raped.

I also saw various bite wounds where the man had legitimately took a chuck out of her skin.

My stomach was feeling queasy at the sight, really. Suddenly the black and white guy moved forward, reaching a hand to the girl's face and shoving his fingers into her eye socket. The girl let out a blood-curdling scream, blood and eye juices squirting as he ripped out the eye ball and then proceeded to EAT it.

My stomach wanted to let go of all of its contents right there but I held back. I didn't even know why I was watching. But I guess it had trained me....made me more desensitized to torture.

Because that's what this was.

Torture. They were injuring, violating, eating this girl for no reason except for their own amusement.

Blood gushed from her eye now as the two men grinned sadistically before the white one mounted her, leaning down near her breasts with an evil smirk. The shaking girl was whimpering, watching him in horror. He suddenly sunk his teeth into ones of her boobs, giving a violent jerk and separating half of it from her body. As the blood mixed with milk trickled out, that's when I ran.

That's when I got out of the room, making sure to close the door like I was never there, and then ran all the way back down the halls and, when I got to the main one, was going to run past Kisame and Itachi had the fish stick grabbed me.

"Daseki? Are you alright?" He murmured, checking my body for wounds before looking back into my eyes. They had been wide with shock, tears running down my face as I kept trying to get out of his grasp. I kept looking over my shoulder in fear. I had to get away from that room. Far, far away.

"She's in shock, Kisame. Bring her to the room." Itachi ordered, glancing over me. I didn't even noticed as I struggled harder. I had forgotten all of my ninja training at that moment.

No matter everything I had went through, I had gone back to the scared little orphan girl I had been on the inside. I was terrified, I was allowed to be like that from the things I had seen.

Kisame had picked up my trembling form, keep a tight grip on me as I kept trying to struggle away from him. He had brought me back to Itachi's and his room, setting me down on his bed before getting on his knnes in front of me.

He grabbed my chin, turning my head side to side and looking at my face. I had stopped trying to get away and grown as still as a statue, the tears still streaming down my face.

"Daseki?" He asked gently, wiping the tear stains with his Akatsuki coat sleeve but they were soon replaced.

Suddenly Itachi sighed and Kisame looked at him. "I know what happened."

"What is it?" The fish stick had growled.

"She saw Zetsu during 'feeding time'." That's how I learned what that....things name was.

"Fuck." Kisame said after a few seconds of staring at him.

"We'll have to coax her back to normal." Itachi said with a sigh and Kisame nodded. And that's how we spent the next two days. Lucky for me, no one had returned in that time. So, when I was somewhat back to my normal senses, I had told the two to not tell anoyone about this. They had eventually agreed (though it took longer for Kisame) and they kept working with me until I was practically my old self by the time Kakuzu and Hidan had came back a week after the incident.

Actually, that was what was happening at this very moment. Kakuzu and Hidan had just walked into the living room before heading to the kitchen. They paused however, when they saw me. I had had a relapse last night, meaning my eyes were red and puffy, my hair was pulled into a messy bun that would take a while to untangle and I was wearing one of Deidara's black hoodies that I had stolen and a pair of Itachi's black sweatpants. I had to have them tied tightly around my waist to keep them from falling and the bottoms were much longer than my actually legs, causing my feet to be hidden.

"The fuck happened to you?" Hidan asked, shocked. I stared at him for a moment before sniffing and turning back to the eggs I was making at the stove.

"The hell? Answer me you-"

"Hidan." Itachi interrupted, walking into the kitchen. Both of the men turned to him, obviously seeking an explanation.

"What happened?" Kakuzu questioned.

"....I'm not allowed to tell you." The man eventually said after staring between the two for a moment. He glanced over at me, his face blank but I'd begun learning the subtle changes of his features that would tell me his emotions. Right now he was concerned.

"How are you doing?"

"B-better." I croaked, my throat aching from all the crying I'd done. I was disgusted with myself at that moment and had been for the past few days. I didn't know WHY I was reacting like this. I've seen worse! truth, I really hadn't. That night was the most vile, disturbing, horrifying thing I had seen in my life.

It was worse then walking into my room in my New York City orphanage and see my roommate sitting on the floor in a puddle of blood, a dead, skinless puppy in front of her. There was a knife in her hand and all of it's fur and skin was sitting around her.

I had thought that was the worst thing I'd ever experience. But now....

"Damn. You sound fucking horrible." Hidan muttered. I frowned, turning away from them and put the three eggs on a plate before turning off the stove and grabbing a fork.

"Leave me alone." I murmured, starting to eat. Hidan and Kakuzu glanced at each other before heading out and down the hall. Itachi looked at me for a moment longer and I forced a smile.

"Really. You can go."

He nodded and turned, heading out of the room. After I finished two of my eggs, I heard two more people come into the living room before heading to the kitchen.

"Daseki?!" Deidara asked, his eyes widening in shock, looking at me. I looked at him blankly before turning back to the final egg and eating it in a few gulps.

"S-Sasori-danna!" Deidara said, turning to look into the living room.

"What, brat?" Sasori came in inside his puppet Hiruko.

Deidara looked back to me and I frowned as the puppet's gaze rested on me.

"What the hell happened to you?" He questioned.

I scowled, memories flashing through my head and tears went to the edges of my eyes. 'That poor girl....and however many others that Zetsu guy must have eaten....'

"N-nothing." I mumbled, getting up and putting my dishes in the sink. I stumbled past them, starting to walk back to Kisame's room. Just as I was heading there, someone else entered the living room and I stumbled into them.

I flinched, looking up at Pain and his weird, rippled purple eyes widened before I muttered an apology and I headed down the hall.


Authors Note

....o.e I think I just scarred MYSELF. I am really messed up in the head if I wrote THIS.

....Holy shit, I think I'M in shock....


P.S. Dedicated to Anime_Addict cuz she was the first to actually even suggest a couple in the comments o.e and her comments always make me laugh xD

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