No News is Good News

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Presumed dead.

"Ali," a sound from somewhere deep in the haziness of her mind.

Presumed dead.

"Ali," the voice is muffled and slow as though the words were travelling through thick treacle.

A hand reaches for her shoulder, it's John. He shakes her from her trance and slowly his face comes into her vision.

"Are you alright?" his usually cool and cocky voice is laced with concern.

Her eyes are fixed and unmoving and a slow tear rolls down her cheek as she nods her head.

"I need to go," Ali clears her throat and wipes her eyes, smearing her tears across her face "I need to go," she says more hastily now.

John nods "Okay Ali, alright," he had barely finished his sentence before Ali spun on her heels and hurried out of the office. Her mind was racing with a million thoughts as she grabbed her long brown coat from the coat hooks and shrugged it on.

Jack was gone... Really gone this time. She squeezed her eyes shut willing the terrible thought from her mind.


The letter said missing but it was hard to avoid imaging the worst. As Ali rode the elevator down to the lobby she mentally cursed everybody getting in and out at other floors.


Her mind quickly reverted back to Jack. Even if he was 'just missing' this didn't actually make it any better. He was gone somewhere, but where? How long had he been gone? Was he alone? Why was he out there? The very questions themselves troubled Ali and the uncertainty of everything sent a cold sweat tingling down her spine. Missing? Dead? What did it matter, either way she needed answers and she needed them fast.

Ali paced back and forth in James' office. Her heeled shoes clicking along the dark mahogany wood. The office was a grand affair, much like their house. The high walls were lined with heavyset floor to ceiling bookcases. Books from across the years were piled high, medical books, research books- some of which had been published by James himself. A matching dark wooden desk took centre position in the room, there was an emerald green and gold lamp resting on the desk and underneath it was a gold framed photograph of Ali on the steps of their London home. Another photo in a matching gold frame was beside it. It was Ali and James on their wedding day, the black and white photograph showed them facing each other, with Ali's hands resting in James'. He was staring adoringly into her eyes as she smiled back up at him. Ali walked behind the desk and stared out the large airy window to the city streets below. People were hurrying to and fro, all were unaware of the current turmoil unravelling in her life right now.

The door creaked open and a smartly dressed James walked in. His crisp white shirt contrasted with the dark grey of his waistcoat and suit pants. Around his neck was a maroon stethoscope and draped over his right arm was a long white lab coat. His dark hair was neat and pushed back from his face, revealing the deep set crinkles on his forehead as he furrowed his brown in concern at Ali.

"Darling," he hooked the lab coat behind the door before hurrying towards her with arms out stretched "Is everything alright?" he takes her hands in his and leans down to kiss her cheek gently. 

Ali starts to cry then, soft sobs escape her and she falls against James' chest, her head against his shoulder as she tries to find her words.

"Is it the baby?" a rise in panic is heard in his voice as he holds Ali at arms length and searches her eyes.

Ali sniffles but shakes her head "No my love, the baby is fine," she says relieved, reassuringly squeezing his arm.

James visibly relaxes but instantly his face worriedly knits back together "What it is my love, tell me?" 

Ali nods and wipes the tears from her face. She steps away from James and he takes a seat on the large emerald green velvet armchair behind his desk. Ali rampantly expels all of the information, she recalls the days events with waving arms and raised voices. James says nothing but watches as she paces around the room, stopping frequently to check he is still paying attention.

Finally she comes to a halt and with tears pooling in her eyes she inhales deeply and turns back to James "I need to go to Uxbridge, I need to know everything, I need to know more," 

Ali hesitates before walking up to the desk. She plants her hands down on the cool wooden surface and leans across the James.

"I know it isn't proper of me to ask you to let me do this. To ask you to let me go back and find out more about what's going on with Jack...but I have to know James, I have to. Please," their eyes meet.

James who had been silently taking it all in sat back in his chair, his hands together lightly touching the skin of his lips. He cleared his throat before standing and walking around the desk to be next to Ali. The two of them perched on the edge of the desk and for a brief moment there was silence.

"We haven't known each other for very long Ali, but in the relatively short time that we've had together, I have fallen completely in love with you-"

Ali lowers her head but James reaches out to touch her cheek gently, making her turn back to face him.

He continues "And whilst I know that you love me too, I know the love you hold for me is but a fraction of what you ever felt for him," his voice is soft and calm and holds no malice or anger. "But you are my wife Ali...and what is marriage if not a test of love?"

Ali waits for him to continue, she watches his beautiful face as he smiles weakly at her before leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"Go to Uxbridge my love, you needn't ask my permission. I hope you find the answers you are looking for and that whatever happens you find peace in moving on with your life, with our lives together," he adds.

Ali inhales in relief and brings James's hands to her lips, kissing them feverishly "Thank you James," she kisses them again "I'll be back in a few short days," she hurries towards the door and opens it swiftly.

Before she exits, she hovers in the doorway and turns back towards her her husband who is looking forlorn "I really do love you James, please don't forget that," she blows him a kiss and hurries out of the office.

James reaches up into the air and catches Ali's kiss, he then presses his clasped hand against his heart and smiles at the empty doorway...

A/N: Hello everyone, please let me apologise for my abysmal efforts in updating this story. I have been crazy busy since graduating, starting my new job and moving to the City etc...BUT I finally feel I am getting there now and, sidenote...this adulting malarkey is a whole new ball game... aaaaannnyyy way I will be updating this story and I have the next chapters until the end of the book all squared away, so rest assured you won't be waiting months for an update!! Thank you all for your lovely reads, vote ups and's still amazing to know how many of you are enjoying this story!                               R.

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