Chapter 32 -- A little backup would be nice

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Titania's POV


It was the only word to escape my lips. I had planned what I was going to say to Steel Hawk after all these years. I had a whole speech prepared. But as he pushed my daughter off of the roof, right in front of my eyes, it was all I could do to keep myself together. My body wanted to pull me into shock, but my mind told me to finish the job Della assigned me to. She didn't risk it all for me to let Steel Hawk get away.

I lunge after Steel Hawk. He slides away right as I go to tackle him. I catch my balance before I fall on my face. Hawk turns around, bracing for my second attempt, but he cannot prepare himself for my overpowering strength. I pin him down in a second, surprising both of us. He doesn't even have time to self-destruct. My fists begin to pummel his face. Each hit is for Della. Each hit is for an innocent citizen. Each hit is for the anxiety and depression he's caused me all these years.

I look into his dark eyes. Is there even a soul behind those eyes? I waste no time in pulling the liquid out and stabbing Steel Hawk in the chest with the needle before he knows what's happening.

I expected him to scream out in pain, and he does. The other alternative I expected was for the disabler to actually be a fake. How trustworthy is a villain's ex-wife, anyways?

"Melissa?" Steel Hawk's eyes become heavy as he looks off in the distance behind me.

"It's me, Allen." I risk turning around to see the lady who handed Della the needle. I mentally groan because this was probably all a set up. "You're going to be powerless now, do you understand?" I'm taken back at how calm she is in stating this.

Steel Hawk doesn't respond, he only slips away into an unconscious state. I know he's still alive because I can feel his pulse in his wrist. For the first time in a long time, I don't feel bad for hurting Steel Hawk. This is his end. This is my beginning.

Then I'm sucked back into the reality of watching my daughter fall to the ground many floors below. My mind races as I try to keep my emotions together.

"Your daughter... she was a fighter," Steel Hawk smiles evilly. I feel a tear slip down my cheek, and I scold myself for crying in front of someone who doesn't feel emotions. He's spent his whole career trying to tear me down, and I'm giving him the satisfaction of watching me break.

"But she was no match for me, Titania. She got that from you." What can he possibly do to me from his current position? It's Blacklight and the other guy I have to worry about at the moment. Red Raven is powerless, just like his dad now.

As hard as it is to hold myself together, I stand up from my crouched down position, and bring my fists up to my face. My stance evidently says 'fight me'.

"Are y'all ready for an earthquake?" I inquire seriously. Blacklight laughs, but I know he's always been afraid of me. Mickey's adopted dad, really his uncle, has been working in my company for years. I'm the boss, and he always knew never to step on my toes. I am more powerful than him in more ways than one.

"Where's your motivation coming from, Titania? Your daughter just died in front of you." Blacklight taunts.

I choke back the tears and the sobs waiting to burst out of me. Finish the job, Titania. For Della.

Before I can mutter a reply, I spot someone flying up behind the three guys in front of me. A gold suit... Mason? What's he doing up here?

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