Chapter 100

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"I'm pregnant"

Jughead looked at her for a Moment, stunned. "You're pregnant?" He repeated. "Yes. It hit me last night that I'd missed a period... and.. and then all the sickness... and mood swings and.. and cravings.. and so I got a test from the store this morning because I didn't want to tell you unless I was sure but... I took one.. and then another... and then another and they all came back positive and I don't even know if you want this baby.. are you going to leave me?!... oh god please don't leav~" her nervous rambling was cut off by jughead taking her face in his hands and kissing her hard. Then spinning her around with the biggest grin on his face. "You're pregnant! We're going to have a baby!" He beamed. Relief instantly washed over Betty. "Yes we are". He sat them down on the grass and pulled her onto his lap. "I'd never leave you. We spoke about having kids before" he said softly. "I know but I didn't know if it was too soon or anything. Sorry I was so scared" she admitted and he rubbed her back. "I'm so happy betts" he said. "Me too" she smiled and kissed him again. "God I can't wait to tell everyone!" He laughed. "You really want this baby?" She asked, placing his hand over her still flat stomach. "I really want this baby" he Said and she burst into happy tears.

After a long time sat in each other's arms, Betty broke the silence. "Do you think I can do this?" She whispered. "Be a mum?" She added. "There's no one more suited than you betts" he said. "I'm scared. Some days I can barely cope myself with my mental health and walking how can I take care of a baby?" She panicked. "Hey calm down. Take a breath" he said and kissed her temple. "I'm scared too betts, we're going to be parents but we have each other. Okay? I'm here for you and you're here for me. We're married that means we're a team and you're a hell of a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for" he said. "You. This" he said and she kissed him, With as much passion as she could. "I love you" she said. "I love you to the moon and back" he said. "Now come let's go home" he said as he stood and held out his and for her to take.

The next morning, after Betty's morning sickness had passed, they text all the serpents and Kevin, Veronica, Archie and Polly telling them to be at the Whyte Wyrm that evening at 7. "We should book an appointment to check everything" Betty said. "Okay I'll see if there's any for today" Jug said and pulled his phone out. Betty moved into the kitchen to grab some Water. "Babe there's an appointment for two?" He asked. "That's okay" she agreed. She waited for him to finish up on the phone. "Okay that appointments at two, are you ready?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around her waist and dipped his head down to kiss her. "I am" she smiled.

At the appointment Betty and jughead sat hand in hand until their name got called and then Betty was on a bed, with her shirt lifted and a nurse about to put gel on her. She squeezed jugheads hand tight as the nurse started talking. "Is this your first child?" She asked. "It is" Jug answered and the nurse smiled. "It's so exciting! Okay and here... is your baby!... you're about four weeks pregnant!" She grinned and Betty and jughead turned to the screen in awe at the tiny blob that was their Child. "Betts.. that's our baby" jug whispered with tears in his eyes and Betty just nodded as her tears fell down her face. "Would you like pictures?" The nurse asked and the couple eagerly nodded. "Okay. I'll leave you guys to it and I'll be back in a Moment with pictures and we can go over some information" she smiled and left the room. "Hey come here" Jug said as he helped Betty wipe her stomach then hugged her tightly. "I'm so happy Jug" she cried into his shoulder. "Me too betts, me too" he said.

That evening, with their sonogram picture in jugheads back pocket they stood on the bars small stage, hand in hand looking over everyone who meant the most to them. "Okay so we have something to share with you guys!" Jug said. Everyone looked at them in anticipation; nobody having any idea what was happening. "IM PREGNANT!" Betty announced, and the whole room erupted into cheers. FP hugged them both a cried telling them how happy he was. Sweetpea, fangs and Toni crushed them in a hug and then instantly apologising thinking they hurt the baby. Archie, Kevin and Veronica hugged and cried expressing how happy they were, and the Serpents each hugged Betty and jughead. Then Polly and the twins congratulated them causing Betty to burst into tears again.

That night when they were in bed, jughead was spooning Betty as always but this time, they each had a hand over Betty's stomach: where their baby was.

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