Chapter 6

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After Betty finished her dinner and jughead insisted he washed up she headed back up to his apartment to have a shower. Afterwards she put her pyjamas on and grabbed one of jugheads hoodies and went out on the balcony to read a book. A little while later jug came upstairs and spotted Betty sitting outside so he made her some tea and himself a coffee and went to join her. He sat behind her and pulled her towards him so her back was on his chest. "Thanks for the tea juggie" Betty said as she put down her book and took a sip. "No problem" he said and kissed her head. They spent the night talking and laughing until the eventually went to bed in each others arms. A week later, was Betty's first day back at school and jughead was woken up by the sunlight shining through the bedroom window, he slowly sat up and wiped the sleep out of his eyes. His movements caused Betty to stir and she slowly stated to flutter her eyes open. "Good morning beautiful" he said. "Mmm good morning" she mumbled, rolling over and burying her head into his chest. After spending some more time in bed the couple got up to get dressed and head down for breakfast. "I'm going to head down there now" Betty said while Jug was still getting ready. "Okay, I won't be long babe!" Jug yelled from the bedroom. Betty was wearing a yellow strapped top with a denim skirt that had little Daisies printed on them and her converse. "Good morning" she greeted the serpents who were already eating breakfast. "Morning Betty" they said in response. "Hi Betty! Do you want a chocolate croissant?" Sweetpea said as he saw her approaching the buffet. "Yes please" she grinned. "Okay they're just in the oven they'll be done soon" Sweetpea informed Betty. "Okay I'm just going to head outside to get some fresh air" she said before making her way to the front of the bar and climbing up on some old storage boxes and sitting on them. A few moments later jughead emerged through the doors holding a plate with a chocolate croissant on and he climbed up to sit with Betty. "Here you go babe" he said handing her the plate. "What are you doing out here?" Jug asked her. "Just getting some fresh air" she smiled. "Are you sure you're ready to go to school today?" He asked her, slinging and arm around her shoulder. "Yes, I'll be fine" she smiled and pecking his lips before eating her breakfast. "Dad will be here to take you to school and Sweetpea can pick you up, I'm sorry I can't today but I have to make a run to pick up some bike parts" he explained. "It's okay juggie, I don't even need anyone to take me" she said leaning into his side. " I know you don't betts but it will make me feel better for the time being". Once she had finished her breakfast, Betty and jughead headed back into the wyrm where they waited for FP. When he arrived Betty grabbed her stuff, kissed Jug goodbye and after the rest of the serpents bid her goodbye her and FP got in his truck and went to school. The journey to school was about 10 minutes in the car and once they arrived Betty got out the truck and was reluctant to go in. "It will be okay Betty, you can just call us if anything happens Okay?" FP said while hugging her. Betty just nodded and gave him a small wave before entering Riverdale High.

When FP arrived back at the bar his son was eating his own breakfast with Toni, fangs and Sweetpea. "hey dad! Was she alright?" Jug asked when he spotted his dad making his was towards him. "She was a bit reluctant to go in but she made no fuss" FP said while making a coffee. "Sweetpea are you still okay to pick her up later?" Jug asked. "You got it boss, fangs is coming too" Sweetpea said and fangs nodded in agreement. Suddenly all their phones buzzed and they pulled them out to see Betty has made a group chat:

Serpent group chat:

Betty: how bad would it be if I just came home now?🙄
Jug: babe, it will be okay! At least stay until your first break🖤
Betty: everyone is staring at me and there's already been a complaint made about me saying I'm an 'unfit candidate' to work for the blue and gold because I'm being biased of the Southside.
FP: who made a complaint?!
Fangs: want us to have a word when we pick you up later?
Betty: no it's fine. Anyways got to go, hell is calling😕
Toni: you got this girl!
Jug: call me if you need anything babe🖤

"I feel so bad" fangs said. "People are treating her bad because her stupid mother kicked her out and now she's living here" he finished. Suddenly their phones buzzed again with a message from Betty saying she has cheerleading practice after school so there's no need to pick her up and she'll be back later.

Back at Riverdale High Betty's locker had been vandalised with comments saying 'I bet your mum kicked you out because you're crazy like your sister' and 'serpent slut'. She also had notes slipped into her bag saying the same things. She spent the last two periods of the day cleaning her locker before she went to practice. When she arrived at the gym the football players were there as well and the cheerleaders all stopped when she entered. "Betty" Cheryl said. "Sorry But you're off the team, it will look bad if we had a serpent slut with us and with your family's reputation of being psycho". Betty just stood there, the footballers and cheerleaders didn't say anything. Betty turned to leave when Archie and Veronica ran after her. "I'm so sorry B" Veronica said and Archie tried to hug her. "Just leave me alone" Betty said before running down the hall and out into the carpark.

Serpent group chat:

Betty: come and pick me up please.
Sweetpea: I thought you were at practice?
Betty: just please come, now!
FP: are you okay Betty?

10 minutes later Sweetpea and fangs arrived and Betty go into the truck without saying anything, tears falling down her face.

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