Chapter 21

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"SWEET PEAAAA!" Betty yelled from where she was sat on the stage. "What? What's going on?" Sweetpea said rushing over to her. "I dropped my pillow please may you pick it up for me" she smiled and pointed to where her pillow was on the floor at the bottom the stage. Jughead was out with Toni trying to sort the suppliers out. Sweetpea was put in charge of looking after Betty as she still had broke ribs and wrist and she couldn't do anything. So far she had made Sweetpea carry her downstairs and then go and get her duvet and pillows and then sort them out into a makeshift bed on the stage where she then wanted to sit and then he got her a books and food and water and he was tired. "Is there anything else you need?" Sweetpea asked. "Nope, Thank you" she said. All of the serpents have been extra sweet and protective of Betty since the incident with the ghoulies. A serpent called hog sat and ate lunch with her so she wasn't lonely. Another called viper helped her to go to the bathroom and one of the old serpents names Nicky sat and told her lots of stories about his life.

A few hours later fangs and FP strolled into the bar. "Thank god you're here!" Sweetpea said running up to them. "You can watch her now" he said pointing to Betty. FP and fangs laughed and nodded, walking over to Betty. "Hey darling how are you doing?" FP asked. "I'm bored! Can I go to school tomorrow?" She asked, looking hopeful. "Afraid not" FP said and she sulked. "Hey look jugs back" fangs pointed out. "How's my favourite girl?" Jug asked walking over to Betty, FP and fangs with Toni and Sweetpea. "She's grumpy" fangs joked. "Welcome to what I've dealt with all day" Sweetpea laughed and earned a glare from Betty. "Why are you grumpy?" Jug said moving to sit next to Her. "She's bored and wants to go to school tomorrow" FP answered for her. "I know you are sweetheart, but you need to rest so until then you can't go to school" Jug said, kissing her head. "Can somebody get my school bag please?" She asked and fangs went to get it when he came back she asked everyone to leave her alone for a bit.

An hour later jughead and the others were sat around the bar talking and all jughead was doing was watching Betty, she looked so sad. He went over and sat next to her on her makeshift bed. "What's up babe?" He said, kissing her Pouty lips. "I hurt everywhere and I'm soooo bored" she mumbled hiding her head in his shoulder. "I know, what's all these pens for?" He asked pointing to all the coloured pens that were scattered over her duvet. "Oh!" She said, suddenly her face lighting up and a smile smile made its way onto jugs face, happy that she was finally cheering up. "I decorated my cast with tiny flowers" she said, holding her arm out to show him. Her white cast on her wrist was now covered in little flowers of all different colours. "It's beautiful baby, just like you" he smiled and she kissed him softly. "Well if you like the idea of me decorating casts maybe I should break bones more often" she smirked, obviously joking. "No, that idea I don't like so much" he said and pulled her in for another kiss.

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