Chapter 73

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{time skip}

7 days til wedding:

"Okay I've booked a honey moon" jug said as he strolled into the bar late one afternoon after dropping Betty off at Kevin's for a movie day. "Finally! Where did you decide?" Toni said as she handed him a beer. "Hawaii, she knows that but I've sorted the hotel and all that now... it looks amazing" jug smiled. "Not long now son, and you'll have yourself a wife" FP said as he came to sit next to his son. "I know, we've got a week left" jughead said, unable to keep he excitement off his face.

Meanwhile at Kevin's Betty was curled up on his sofa talking about the wedding. "Everything looks amazing Kev" she gushed. "My dress, the decor and the Bar will look amazing!" She continued. "I can't believe you're getting married" Kevin exclaimed. "I know! After everything that's happened I finally feel like everything's looking up for me" she smiled. After they watched a few movies Betty called jughead to pick her up. "Hey gorgeous" he said when she got into his truck. "Hi" she beamed. "Did you have a good time?" He asked as he leaned over to kiss her. "I did" she smiled. "I don't want to to go back just yet can we go down to the river?" She asked and he nodded. On the drive down to Sweetwater River Betty sang softly to the radio and jughead couldn't stop thinking how lucky he was to be marrying her.

When they got to Sweetwater jughead watched as Betty stood in the shallow end of the river looking around. Her yellow sundress floated around her knees and she looked beautiful. He made his way over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Can you believe this time next week we'll be married?" She said as she turned in his arms and looked up at him, her arms going around his neck. "It's crazy, but I can't wait Baby" he grinned. They moved out of the water and lay on the grass, hand in hand.  "So... have you booked our honey moon?" She asked curiously. " I have and no you can't know anything because I know that's what you were going to ask next" he laughed knowingly. "Please" she smiled and fluttered her eyelashes.  "Sorry Betts But no amount of puppy dog eyes will crack me" he said and started to tickle her causing her to burst into a fit of giggles. It ended up with him hovering over her which he used to his advantage and started to kiss her...

When they finally got back into the truck Betty was quieter than usual. "What's up baby?" He said softly. "I was just thinking about my meltdown the other day. What if that's my life now and you won't love me anymore" she sniffed; jughead realised she'd obviously been feeling this way for a while and he cursed himself for not noticing sooner. "Honey" he started and pulled her onto his lap. "Nothing in this world or the next will ever make me stop loving you and I know you get stressed and you panic but I also know why and what you've been through and you're so brave honey. I love you always okay?" He said looking her straight in the eyes. "Okay. I love you too... always" she replied and kissed him. "Oh my god" she said suddenly breaking their moment. "What?" He asked. "Who's going to look after squirt while we're on our honeymoon?" She asked, Looking very concerned. Jug couldn't help but laugh. "You and that damn fish" he grinned.

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