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Annie hasn't spoken to anyone but her parents since her birthday, the boys have been in and out of the house slyly on a loop. Mr. and Mrs.Davila both have come clean and decided on what's best for the family gang. Me? I've been caught up in it all, I haven't heard from Allison since the day I let her speed away in my car. I've been stuck here, in the emotionally confused household of the Davila's. "Rosealine?" Niko turned to face me in his bed, his morning voice must be the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.

"Yeah?" I sat up to face him.

"Are you okay?" He propped himself up on one elbow. I nodded cupping his cheek to admire his face. "I'll take you to see Allison after breakfast." He smiled holding my hand against his jaw. I returned the sweet smile and lazily headed towards the kitchen letting him get ready. After the thankfully quick and awkward, silent meal Niko and I waved headed out the door onto the shady road. It wasn't too far of a drive from his house to the hospital was basically the center of everything. But the tension of the familiar roads made the car ride awkward and extraneous, to this moment, I still have no idea what happened the day of the party. This family was full of secrets.


The plan was to go to the hospital for Lucas. It was to talk to him about the picture Hunter sent. It was to check on Niko. But I found my way to the beach. Where I've spent every evening thinking about every possible solution to the craziness of our lives. Every evening for the past three weeks hoping someone would know where I was, tell me all my troubles were settled and buy me ice cream. I would get it myself but I left my wallet keys and ride at Rose's place. I figured the exercise of walking to the beach would clear my mind. But nothing's changed, Niko was still in the hospital, Rose could be anywhere, doing anything, and I would be completely and utterly oblivious. And somehow I didn't feel anyway. That's how I knew that I had been too caught up in my thoughts and feelings for too long, I've had enough about me. I've let everyone slip through my fingers because of one simple thought.

But maybe it was worth it. Maybe it's worth letting go, because Lucas is leaving and Rose was graduating early. She may not flaunt it but her brains got her a full ride into Emerson College, the number one school for journalism in the country. She wouldn't dare turn them down and her acceptance letter was home waiting for her on the counter along with my gatherings.


Rosealine stumbled into the hospital with hope radiating from her body as she scanned the halls. I carefully shut the hospital doors behind me as she strained against security and multiple nurses to reach for me.

"Hey! She's with me, it's fine." I called out as security eyed me wearily. I stuttered for an excuse, knowing whatever it could be was more urgent than going through visitor checking. "CreekSide PD, she's my sketch artist we're working on a case." I flashed my badge from my the inside of my coat. The nurses immediately let go, but the two strong men didn't budge a muscle.

"Sir she doesn't have a badge." The one on the right bloomed over her.

"Sorry...I was in a rush, traffic was bad." She muttered going along with the improv. I shot the security deities an apologetic look forcing them to set her free. She sprinted towards me with glossy hazel eyes. "Please tell me she's in there." She gripped my forearms, I could feel her pulse racing through her fingertips.

"Who? Rose, what are you talking about? That's Tony, he's sleeping. My brother." I explained calmly trying to soothe her nerves. "Have you at least heard from her?" She gripped her curls pacing back and forth.  "Rose? Who are you talking about?" I held her small shoulders. "I haven't seen or heard from Allison in weeks. She's not answering her phone and she's not home." She frustratedly groaned holding her head in her hands.

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