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I held Allison's hand whilst the 7 other friends of mine slept side by side in the chairs surrounding the bed. "Are any of you Miss Rodgersman's immediate family?" The doctor appeared through the door. "No sir. Her family is on vacation in the the Caribbean at the moment, her primary emergency contact on record are the Addams." I stood meeting him halfway. "Okay, she lost plenty of blood because the wound met her intercoastal atery. She'll need a blood transfusion over the next few days, but 5e wound itself should heal rather quickly." She explained. "Okay are there anything's she shouldn't do or eat or anything." I asked looking back at my comatose best friend. "Her diet is fine, she's a healthy young woman, but she did hit her head pretty hard so if you find any signs of a concussion or dizziness and fainting please bring her back in. I'm prescribing high dosage pain killers so she may feel loopy and distorted." I nodded understanding. "Nothing too rough, or extraneous. Don't get too freaky." She winked at me. I shook my head rapidly, " it's not like that she's my best friend." I sputter gagging at the thought of smashing my best friend. She smiled and walked off to another nurse. "Toby..?" She croaked from the bed. I rushed over to her almost tripping on the countless limbs. "No don't sit up yet, you ruptured your artery you need a moment." I held her down so she gave up. "Where's-" she coughed. "Everyone is here, Lucas is questioning the suspect at the station with Harley." I moved the hair from her face. "Parker looks dead." She giggled weakly pointing to him in the corner.

"Yeah he's been fried all day, I couldn't get him to shower." I smiled at her. " come here I missed my cuddle buddy." She opened her movable arm. I carefully crawled beside her trying not to hurt her. I rested my arm over her lower torso enveloping her small figure compared to my giraffe legs.


After a very lengthy session of identifying and searching and boxing and questioning. Tristen's younger brother was arrested for stalking charges. I replayed the comments in my head as he was dragged away in shiny cuffs.

"I heard you two in the hallway!"

"You're a killer!"

"I will avenge him!" He yelled limping. After Allison shot him in the leg one of the officers tackled him to the ground allowing Lucas to reach for Alli's collapsing body. "Huh." I woke up from my daze. "I asked if you wanted a ride back to the hospital or home?" Lucas grabbed his leather jacket. "Oh no it's fine. My dads outside, tell her to call me when she's home please." I waved him goodbye as he jogged to his car. I felt bad for not being there for her, but I couldn't handle being in another hospital. Not after this, not after what I did to Tristen.

"Tristen we keep this up." I followed him up the stairs. "Nobody's getting hurt, other than you." He pulled me towards his room as the music from the party blared throughout the house. "What about Rosealine." I whimpered as he kissed collarbone. "She's not relevant, we broke up ages ago." He continued on. Now I see what they meant when they said something could feel so right, but so wrong. "Tristen." I moaned softly. "Shhh." He placed a finger over my lips. "No, please. I can't do this to her." I begged trying to keep myself from giving in. "God damn it Harley why does it bother you now, it's never bothered you before." He pulled me closer turning so my back was against the wall. "Please. Stop." I pleaded quietly. He pulled away holding my wrists. "What is going on?" He looked into my eyes searching for hope. "This. Us. It can't happen, this shouldn't happen. This is wrong." I felt my heart drop. "It's a fresh start why can't you let us be happy." He held my waist. "Because, I don't love you." I sighed knowing the painful truth. "That's okay. I'm still here regardless. We've been doing this for weeks now." He begged.

"Fuck this." I groaned with irritation knowing he wouldn't understand. He yanked me back, "Excuse me?". I gasped tumbling backwards, "I said fuck this. Don't touch me." I pulled my hand free. He swung me back again holding my arms against the wall. I kicked his leg leaving him hurled over clutching his shin. "Touch me one more fucking time and I will kill you." I spat running down the stairs with tears in my eyes. Only to find him hours later upside down in his pool, Hunter fishing him out of the water giving him compressions while Liana called the cops.

"Harley honey, let's go your old man's got work in the morning." My Dad called from his car. I sat down shutting my door rethinking everything on the way home.


"Lucas?" I squinted allowing for my eyes to readjust to the fluorescent lights above me. He smiled at the sight of me, but it quickly fell at the sight of the tall blonde's oversized body wrapped around mine. He snored softly on the pillow inches away from my shoulder. I laughed lifting his arms off of me. He rolled off the bed into the stretched out recliner below me. "Just my old cuddle buddy." I reached out for him. "Well he's gotta learn there's a new sheriff in town." He leaned over placing a bouquet of high and magic roses by my side before kissing my nose. "You mean Detective." I giggled. He grinned at me taking in my appearance. "You look amazing," he held back a laugh. I glared at him unable to move my right side to push him. He burned out laughing letting his pearly whites brighten the room. "Did you catch him?" I asked curiously.

He nodded. "I'll tell you all the details when you can properly throw another swing to the nose again." He smirked. I rolled my eyes asking him to join me. "Looks like we ended up in bed together sooner than planned." He sat down sinking the bed. "Shut up." I groaned at his constant teasing. "You know you love it." He leaned in to kiss me. I sat up trying to meet him halfway feeling the pain rip through my side, I fell back into my pillow. "Stop trying so hard princess, it'll take time to heal." He came over kissing me softly.

"Eww." Parker whined finally waking up. "I could say the same about you, when did you last shower man." Lucas held his nose in disgust, I think I might've gagged a bit too. "Touché." He laid back falling asleep once again, his attention span was just as fried as he was. "So where'd you get that gun?" He asked facing me once again.

"An ex." I muttered. He nodded awkwardly. "I'm getting he taught you to shoot too." He raised an eyebrow. I nodded.

"Well your a terrible shot. I mean, you missed his entire torso." He snickered. "I wasn't aiming for that, plus I passed out." I yawned. "Mhmm, sure." He rested his arm over my legs slightly laying down. "Where's Harley?" I asked looking around.

"She went home with her dad." He yawned as well. I hummed, understanding. Hopsitals seem to be the new hangout lately. "It says there your getting a blood transfusion." He pointed out to the board across the room. I shivered at the thought of needles. "Yeah, except nobody has my blood type so it might be a while." I sighed.

"I know someone." He sat up pulling out his phone. I looked up at him.

"My Dad." He held the phone to his ear. Before I had the chance to object, the other line opened up. "Hey pops. yeah I'm okay how've you been?" His voice got softer as he spoke with innocence. I smiled at him, it was so cute.

"Yeah my girlfriend is in the hospital, could you do us a favor..." a small smile tugged at his lips as he carried on. But I tuned out, only able to hear one thing. When did I agree to be his girlfriend. Am I his girlfriend? I just signed up for this didn't I.

Looks like there's no going back now. I returned his sweet smile as he hung up the phone. He poked my dimple as I replayed the word in my head, girlfriend...

"Ready to meet my dad?" He smirked. "Is it me or are we moving at a very fast pace here?" I nervously joked. First kiss, then he saves our lives, now he's in the same bed as me talking about meeting parents. Boy this was one hell of a journey.

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