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Jennifer Terrell was probably the only person I truly believe would hate me. Not because I told her turn her fake blonde hair green. Not because I told her she had no chance of cuffing my best guy friend, and not because nobody liked her. She hates me because I was the only person who saw the potential and light in her, she's a good person... most times. Until she gets her clammy claws on you, decides to fall hopelessly in love with you and visually torment the living hell out of you. She was head over heels in love with Tristen, and I tried to be her friend. I tried to let the amateur softball player confide in a friend, because she didn't have many. But boy, what a travesty. Within weeks, she found out about Tristen's long-term relationship with Rosealine. Let's just say it never ended well.

On the other hand, according to Rose at least, Niko was a gentleman at heart. As rough looking as he seems he's a genuine caretaker. They aren't pushing things like labels, dates, that normal kind of stuff. Which I completely understand given the recent upturns in the friend group. But it was cute, now that I let it seep in.

My phone vibrated for the eighth time sending Rosealine's annoyance through the roof. She picked up my phone answering the line. "Lucas. What's wrong?" She sternly asked, I mean he was interrupting a pretty special date.

"Yes. She's safe, with me. I had my dad update the house security. No, we have food thanks." She hung up tossing my phone into the other couch. "God he's such a dad." She muttered lowering the sound of the TV as some cheesy cliche rolled in the background. "Yeah you're telling me. And not always to fun type." I rolled my eyes sinking deeper into the couch, folding my arms over my torso. "Ew okay, I don't need those details." She cringed scrunching up her face in disgust. "Remember the night we got broken into?" I asked as the conversation died down. "Yeah, why?" She finished eating her cone, I was barely halfway done with mine as usual.

"Who cleaned up the mess?" I wondered out loud. "Don't look at me we left here at the same time, maybe the person who gets paid to clean up crime scenes." She waltzed away to rinse her hands. I hummed in response Rosealine's phone went off beside me, she signaled for me to answer. I picked up ignoring the caller ID. Which I kind of regretted as the callers voice answered.


"Nope. But how's life Niko?" Her eyes shot open as she scrambled for the phone, I stuck out my legs to push her off of me. With her lightweight it wasn't to hard, her persistence was the only struggle.

"Uhhhhhhhhhh...." he stammered. "Where's Rosealine?" He inquired.

"Depends. If it's for homework then she's in the shower. If it's for a bootycall then she's on a date right now." I evilly smirked Only frustrating her more.

"With who ?!" She called out.

" Me obviously." I sent her an innocent smile. "Well can you ask her to call me back soon..." he gave up. "I'm kidding weak sport. Here you go." I handed her the phone getting up to grab my own. "Sorry to interrupt hunny bunny. But you're coming to finals week right?" I peered around the corner. She nodded muting the phone to her chest as a few strand curls fell over her face. "Okay, well I'm gonna head back home because my mom isn't home yet, her flight lands tonight." I mentioned kissing her forehead and giving her a big hug. She walked me out still on the phone with the young outcast.

Sliding into my Jeep I carefully backed out of her driveway and sped down the road, except as I neared the intersection to the main road yards away my brakes were gone. I pumped the pedal hoping it would change anything, my heart raced knowing there were two options left. Deciding with the safer one I opened my door and rolled out onto the street, smoothly standing up in time to watch my treasured Smokey zoom into the busy roads flipping over the median. I called Rose within seconds after dialing 911. "I got lucky, no one got hit. But I think ol' Smokey just retired." I sighed as Hunters Dad approached ready to question me. He opened his mouth as the familiar sound of an antique mustang screeched around the corner.

"Damn it. Who told the rookie?!" The sheriff groaned in annoyance. "Does this look like a damn homocide?" He shouted out to his fellow team, they all seemed to ignore his biased outbursts.

I was at Parker's place chilling with him in the front yard with my truck on blasting the radio. Everything seemed fine, ever since the friend group fell apart nothing in my life has gone to plan. I went from being The Sheriffs son, to the detectives shadow. Need a box of donuts, oh sure Hunter can bring it. New leads? Of course, let Hunter walk the files over. Do I get How about service hours? Nope. Nada. Zero.

The static of my radio cackled making Parker jump out of his seat. "Bro is it alien invasion?" He calmly turned, decomposing his high state.

"No it's just my dad trying to find my signal. "Copy Dad. It's me, Hunter." I held the small mic in my palm waiting for a response. "Hey son. You're friend Rodgersman out here just got the brakes cut out of her ride, and I know you guys are close or somewhat. I'm taking her back to the station." He crackled over the speaker.

"Why should I care..." I mumbled forgetting to release the button under my thumb.

"Sorry, What was the chief?" He firmly barked.

"Roger that Sheriff." I answered starting up my truck waving Parker a last goodbye.

I don't see why Lucas can't stay with her, they can't keep themselves off each other at the station so I don't see any issues. Unless, he got in trouble.

"Hunter?" She tiredly muttered half asleep in my dads chair where I spent most of my time. "Dad you know she lived not even a minute from the scene you could've just walked her over." I called out to him staring blankly at her.

"Yes, But she's home alone. I don't need any of my careless employees staking out at her place when her Mom gets home." He groaned from the back room. "What about Lucas?" I mumbled under my breath.

"He stays here. Unless there's another homicide called in. What's the issue chief?" He returned to his desk holding two cups of coffee, Lucas trailed in behind him with two of his own cups. I refrained from annoyance at his permanent smug expression. He took a sip of his coffee burning his tongue in the process, Allison let out a tiny snort at his clumsiness. We all stared at her confused, she was so drowsy she seemed drunk. Lucas let out a small laugh at her childish actions, "Get home safe." He whispered loudly to her helping her out of the chair. She looked emotionally drained and physically exhausted. Feeling pity I took her from under his wing and helped her the passenger side. "I'm sorry Hunter." She mumbled falling asleep.

"No worries Allibear. It's going to be okay." I whispered stroking her shoulder.

I pulled up to her place to find her moms car parked outside, so I grabbed her attention explaining the short series of events. She seemed unfazed by them and took in her daughter unemotional to the helpless being. "What a bitch, she hasn't changed at all." I muttered pulling across the street and turning off the car. I cracked the windows letting a small breeze whirl through the car. I couldn't sleep that night. Not with the girl I loved inside that prison. She'd never be happy with her mom around, we all knew it.

Perfectly Imperfect | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora