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"Are you sure you want to do this?" I held Rosealine's hand as we made our way onto the front lawn. The house was a mediocre size, but in terrible condition. It looked as if it was left to be tended to by teenagers for years. And I don't think I was too far off. Three boys rounded the corner of the house wearing worn out shorts, all shirtless. I noticed the similar tattoos they all shared a single wolf print. "Hola Bonita." One of the three boys smirked at us. "Where's Rian?" Rosealine demanded. "Who's asking compa?" The bigger one furrowed his eyebrows. "Niko." I answered up. "What happened to that little toro?"

"Rian?" She asked again.

"I'll get him." The youngest of the three went inside.

A buff tall man appeared from the house, covered in tattoos with a single paw print across his neck. "Where's Niko?" His voice boomed. "At the station with the cops." I muttered. "What happened now?" Rian motioned for us to join him. Rosealine and I shared a hesitant glare before slowly shadowing his footsteps. "After explaining the whole murder case situation Rian remained silent, by a large Rottweiler broke that eerie quiet when he came busting through the door. Slobber dripped along he floors trailing the big dog, "Annie! Come get your bitch!" He yelled making us jump slightly in our seats. A little girl came running after the big breed grabbing his collar and dragging him back. She reminded me of baby hercules but in a girls body.

"I'll make the phone call, you two don't worry about him we got him form here on out. Just get home safely and avoid Tentrie Blvd. it's where the pimps go hunt8g for pretty girls like you." He opened the door for us as the three boys met up with a few others in the same corner outside. "Damnnnn, hey ma! Lemme get your number." One of the new guys called out eyeing Rose. I rolled my eyes in disgust as the eldest of the three original boys restrained him, "Yo back off that's Toro's piece." He chuckled waving us goodbye politely.

"Hello?" I answered as Lucas' name popped up on my phone. Rosealine smiled slightly noticing my reaction. "Niko just got released, new evidence was brought in by some friend of yours..." he said with a questionable tone. "Who?" I asked quirking an eyebrow. "I never got a name." He took a deep breath, I heard The sheriffs voice in the background. "Okay. Thanks Detective." I hung up. "Did you really just call him Detective?" She snickered. I grinned brightly nodding. "Aren't you guys officially 'talking'. So you should call him Lucas." She noted. I shrugged turning onto her street. "Really." I groaned as I pulled into the driveway where Hunter sat on the doorstep patiently. "What's up, Hunter?" I walked around him to open the door. "Where we you guys?" He tapped his foot in annoyance. "Did I miss our date? I'm sorry, I didn't realise we were a thing." I grunted as I shoved the door open. "It's dark outside, Niko just got released and you know he almost just got arrested with charges of murder." He rambled on and on.

"Did you know that the more you talk the more prone you are to achieving the states of prostate cancer." Rosealine blurted out in an attempt to shut him up.

"Very funny."

"I'll get it." I shot up from the couch to open the door.

"Harley? What is this a party?" I opened the door as she zoomed past me.

"Quinn baby, why do you look like 'A' from pretty little liars? Halloween isn't for another five months." Rosealine approached her.

She handed over her phone, as a series of texts filed in.

Stop hiding.

You know what you did, it's all your fault.

Turn yourself in or I'll expose you for everything you did.

"Quinn...what is this fuckery?" I mumbled scrolling through the endless spam.

"I've been getting them for a week now. And I don't know what they're talking about and I'm going insane I don't know what to do." She cried out. Hunter held her in her arms. "I'll show my dad he'll know what to do." He tried to console her. "No I have a better idea. We don't know who's doing this or why they're doing it." I walked off to my room.

"Alli why is Liana calling, you didn't invite everyone over did you?" Rose called me. "Yeah of course I did. Just answer and see what's up." I told her. I heard them talking rapidly and I dropped my things to figure out what the commotion was all about.

"It's Rain.." Rosealine's voice quivered. "What about her?" I asked firmly.

"She got involved in a hit and run. Liana's at the hospital with her and the victim now." She said grabbing her things and tossing my keys to me. One by one, the balance was drifting. Each day there was something new and I'm not ready for what comes next. "I hope she's okay." Hunter mumbled as we sped down the state road. I pulled out my phone calling the one person I knew could get there quicker than I could.

"Lucas, a friend of ours just got into an accident would you mind meeting us there. I've got a few hypotheticals to run by you." I said hanging up to send the voicemail. "Geez why do you sound like your doing professional business whenever you talk to him." Rosealine rolled her eyes at me.

"Cuz she doesn't want to fall for him." Harley mumbled from the back seat as I met her fearsome gaze.

She wasn't wrong...

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