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I woke up to crashing and shattered glass, history class was over. There were two days until graduation and honestly, I didn't even have to be here. I shouldn't be here due to the fact that I was ordered bed rest after the incident from a few weeks ago. But I felt great. More than great actually, amazing. Niko and I both have matching stitched above our temples and my leg wound healed up perfectly. I feel like a grungy Frankenstein.

"I'm going to go check on her." I mumbled earning a nod from my laidback teacher. Harley stormed off down the hall silently sniffling occasionally. "Harley! What the hell is going on?" I asked jumping on her. She shook violently sobbing in my arms st the dark end of the corridor. "I can't hold it together anymore. I've been trying but it just makes me feel even worst and I can't do this." She hyperventilated clenching her fists.

"What's wrong? You know you can tell me anything, there's nothing you can do that would push you away from me." I attempted to console her only making things worst. She stared up at me with bloodshot eyes, holding her breath trying to compose herself. Her lip quivered as tears lazily fell from her jaw. "Tristen's brother wasn't lying. I didn't kill him, but we did fight that night." Her voice cracked.

"Quinn, this means nothing we were all wasted. We could barely even remember the number for the authorities." I reminded her calmly.

"But you never slept with him. It's different." She whispered wiping her eyes with her sleeves. I refrained from actually dropping my jaw at the news.

"Does Toby know?" I whispered afraid someone would over hear us. She shook her head violently. "And we're going to keep it that way." She stated almost regaining some sort of composure. We walked up of the bathroom together, I found Niko and Rosealine comfortably flirting up a storm so I decided it was best to leave them be. My last class of the day was pointless, we've been through three psycho,oft teachers, none of which seemed capable enough to keep the job. So I detoured towards the parking lot calling Lucas as I exited the school gates.


I was at yet another meeting discussing further lead interests when my phone went off interrupting my coworkers. Mumbling a quick sorry, I left to pick up. "Teeny-Tony what's going on?" I answered to the sound of my brothers voice. "Your girlfriend is in my car." He blankly mentioned. I heard her angelic voice through the other line shouting hello. "Is she okay?" I asked rushing him. "Yeah. We're going for some food and then I'm taking her home with me." He calmly informed me. "Why our place? Bring her here. If you touch her-" the call dropped, leaving me in an uncomfortable silence. My blood churned in small waves, honestly I didn't rust my brothers with her. I don't even know how she got a hold of him anyway, but I did trust her to take care of herself as crazy as it sounds.

Time ticked by slowly as I re-read through a few more files in an attempt to connect any dots on the case. Finally 8 o'clock struck on the clock above me. My bag was already packed as I flew past the deputies and officers towards my glorious car. Luckily catching every green light I arrived at my cozy home within minutes, the lights were on and I heard the commotion of splashing water and screeching from the backyard. "Lucky them." I grumbled unlocking the door. My dad and Allison sat a chair apart at the counter discussing soccer and alcohol. Allison stirred at the nearly empty glass in front of her blinking ever so slightly.

"Look who made it home safe." He chuckled snapping a finger in my direction. "She's a bit tipsy, Lucien got a hold of the vodka." He explained wincing apathetically, patting me on the back he left us in the room alone. "I'm taking the boys out for sushi, wanna join?" He called as the trio returned from the pool dripping wet. I shook my head dropping my things on the floor and gliding over to my little lion. "Hey beautiful, looks like someone had a bit of a party." I stayed between her and the glass. She lazily smiled up at me. "I beat Lucien at some weird game." She giggled wrapping both arms around my shoulder leaning in closely. The alcohol overpowering her minty breath.

"Oh, you played Rockets." I stopped my arms under legs the same way I did a few weeks ago as I carried her from the toxic mansion. "Yeah that thingy." She hummed leaning her head on my chest, I carried her upstairs lying her down in bed carefully trying to steady my breathing. "Damn, you just be gone over the moon by now, because apart from me, Lucien is the second runner up for the family champion." I chuckled at her drunken state remembering the celebration ceremony tradition. We all started off with three shots, each person to remember an accomplishment added a shot to their person of choice. By the end of the game the person with the most accomplishments is most sober and the unfortunate victim is passed out wasted somewhere. Normally on top of the roof, hence the name Rockets.

"Did you know?" She mumbled loudly into my sheets. I slid out of my shirt as she closed her eyes slowly, I think she was drifting off to sleep. "Know what babe?" I answered slipping into the bathroom to shower. She shot up following me to the bathroom. "What are you doing?" I chuckled holding the door open crawled under my arm sitting on top of the counter.

"I don't wanna be alone, not with the wrestling champion across the hall. He could kill me." She explained as I turned on the warm water. "He's not going to....never mind. Are you just gonna watch me shower?" I asked utterly confused. "No. I can close my eyes. See." She covered her eyes with her hands demonstrating. I chuckled moving her hands and kissing her lightly. "Go to bed, I'll leave the door open in case anything goes wrong, Okay?" I led her out of the room. She nodded, cuddling up into my comforter.

After a warm refreshing shower I brushed my teeth and grabbed some aspirin and a glass of water for her morning awakening. Wrapping a towel around my waist I snuck into my room to see her peacefully sleeping, her dark, long curly locks fell effortlessly over her face framing it beautifully. "Nice legs." She giggle opening one eye as I rummaged through my drawer for clothes. I jumped slightly at the sound of her voice catching my towel before it dropped. "You're crazy. Close your eyes." I instructed as she flipped over facing the wall and holding her hands over her face. Shaking my head I quickly threw on a pair of sweats and ran a hand through my mane.

"You're safe, open your eyes." I crawled into bed behind her. "Well hello there handsome face." She turned inches from my face tracing her finger along my cheekbone. "You're adorable." I smiled holding her hand to my cheek. "Nope." She argued. I silenced her kissing her lips softly, she kissed back lazily leaning over on her back. Insisting for me to follow I propped myself up on my forearms kissing her deeper, trailing my lips along her neck. She sighed lustfully, I pulled away looking into her eyes. "We can't, you know." I breathed shallowly looking into her dark eyes. "I know. I feel too paranoid anyway." She quickly sat up switching the tension in the air. "I love you." She nuzzled into my chest.

"I love you too little lion." I placed an arm over her shoulder. "Ouchie! You're on my hair." She cried out lifting my arm off of her fixing her curly lions mane. "Here I got it..." I took the hair tie from her wrist braiding her hair back into one.

"Impressive; Brains, Muscle, Beauty and stylish."she winked making my cringe at her cheesiness.

"Oh, I think I gottanew lead for ya Detective Holmes." She slurred. I could tell her mushy brain was at hard work attempting to phrase her next few sentences.

"Tell me in the morning, we should get some rest before the boys get back." I tugged her down into the sheets pulling her closer. Before I knew it her soft snores echoed through the room as I stroked her flawless jawline which the moon brilliantly highlighted. "You are my fire, the one desire, believe when I say, I want it that way." I hummed quietly.


In any normal situation Fernando would be here convincing my brother to beat me senseless for involving the cops again. But this time, things were simple. Rian sat in the couch on the edge of his seat with Andre at his side divulged into the story my mother told vividly. To my surprise without beer or booze in hand.

Annie sat in my fathers lap admiring his long lost face as any daughter does, while Cookie contently knower on a treat in the corner. Unfortunately I'd have to wipe up the puddle of saliva afterwards. "Niko. Get your skimpy punk ass over here!" Andre shouted waking me from my daze. "Yeah. Mom and Dad love your girl." He wriggled his eyebrows. My face burned a Rosie pink. "Yeah. She's great." I rubbed the back of my neck as Rian threw my shorter doh into the couch between them. My mother smiled sweetly reaching out her hand for me to hold. I gladly accepted it grazing the familiar symbol of home imprinted on her wrist. "Welcome home Ma."I grinned sentimentally. "Don't get all sappy toro." Rian barked with glazed eyes, I chuckled punching him in the arm, which resulted in a family wrestling match. Annie obviously coming out on top, we all melted for her, even Rian and his intimidating cold glare turned to sweet cherry pie for her.

Perfectly Imperfect | ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz