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"Allison, this is my dad, Mikeal." He stood up to help find a chair . I stared at him in awe, he looked vivid and young. I reached out my left arm as far as I could to shake his strong arm, crying out in pain as Lucas frowned at me. "Oh sweetches don't hurt yourself anymore," he stomped over kissing my hand. "Nice to meet you." I barely whispered. Rosealine and Parker both woke up as the sun peered through the blinds.

"Damn." Parker looked up at Lucas' Dad. I shot him a glare, "Go home man, I'll call you with updates," I coughed roughly. I couldn't seem to control myself as my body jerked with each cough. "Shit. Go grab the doctor!" Toby shot up leaning my bed into a sitting position handing and me plenty of napkins. I held them to my mouth until the coughing died down. Mikeal looked down on me helplessly with soft eyes. I'm so sorry we had to meet under these conditions, I thought to myself. "Everyone step out of the room please," the doctor ran in closing the curtains. "Just breath," she urged me placing an oxygen tube under my nose. I slowly calmed down removing the blood stained napkins from my mouth. "Only two guests per visit please. Her heart rate needs to stay below 85 bpm. Her intercostal atery was nipped during the attack and her lungs shouldn't over work themselves, otherwise next time it may not be so easy to stitch up." She clearly authorised, my friend all came in pairs wishing me hope and get wells.

Eventually it was only Lucas and Mikeal left, I heard their distant muffled voices in the hallway. "She's gorgeous." Mikeal's shadow held Lucas' shoulder. "I know Dad." He sighed.

"Your mom would've loved her, she's a fighter." He whispered. "I hope so," Lucas peered around the curtain. "How are you feeling?" Mikeal sat in the chair by my bed. "I'm okay, just a little weak." I croaked. "That's okay. That's what I'm here for." He encourage as Lucas held my hand stroking it gently. "We'll get through this. I promise." He looked me in the eyes, and I didn't doubt him for a second.


I exited the hospital doors breathing in the fresh breezy air. "Liana!" A voiced called my name. I turned around searching for the source while my hair waved brilliantly. "Niko?" I walked over to him, he was wayyyy taller compared to me. I was pushing the height requirements of a roller coaster. "Did you hear? Hunter found out who the guy was last night." He tried to catch his great. The bruises and wounds on his face were already fading, seems like Alison did learn a thing or two from our pre-med classes. "Who was it?" I insisted, I never cared much for drama but oddly enough I was always caught up in it. "Get this. Tristen's brother. He said he overheard Harley and Tristen arguing the night of his death." He placed his hands on his head breathing deeply, he must've run back to tell Alli. "Damn. Just, don't tell Allison yet. Lucas probably would've told her by now if he needed to." I replied earning a nod in return. "Well, see you at school?" He turned around. "Yeah sure." I called back making my way to Rain's place.

[~Allison ~]

Lucas watched me as I entertained his dad in a conversation of weaponry and self defense. "You must be our blood donor." My doctor appeared from the corridor. Mikeal extended an arm shaking her hand, "I'll need you to follow me for identification reassurance and the blood transfusion." She led him out of the room.

"Finally." Lucas released a deep breath before sliding into the bed beside me. I turned slowly careful not to rip any stitches or IV from my arm. "What? I like your dad he's cool." I smiled. "Yeah I can see that, he loves you too. I'm never going to hear the end of it. Lucas this, her that." He mimicked his dads voice. I laughed smiling up at him. "I'm going to go grab us some coffee, the usual?" He got up. "Water please." I blew him a kiss.

Moments passed when I felt someone beside me. I opened my eyes to find my little brother over my face. I jumped, remembering I had to calm down I took deep breaths to lower my heart rate. "Jesus, James you can't do that. I could've ripped my stitches." I scolded him earning a snicker as my mom slid into the room. "Mom? Wait how did you guys get here?" I opened my eyes moving the stretcher up so I could sit.

"My daughter gets hurt and sent to the hospital and you expect me of all people to not show up." She sneered pulling up a chair.  I muttered an apology as Lucas returned to the room. My heart dropped realising what was happening, if there's one thing you should know about my mom, strict wasn't even a strong enough word. My house was a prison, if she were to find out that I had been spending the last few weeks with Rosealine, or worst, if she were to find out about Lucas. I'd already be dead.

"Oh." Lucas froze, it wasn't hard to tell my mother and I apart, we usually got confused for sisters which either meant I looked old or she looked young, I guess it was a mixture of both.

I tried to shake my head signalling for him to play it innocent. But he just stood there, confused and in shock.  "Uhhhhh," he thought out loud. "Detective Lucas, I'm here under Creeksprings PD, I'll be in charge of both the cases of your daughters incident and her friend Tristen's murder." He blurted out steadily walking over to place down our drinks before shaking my mothers hand. My nerves slowly relaxed as the heart monitor machine resided.

"Marie, Allison's Mom, and James her brother." She introduced shaking his hand. James new what was going on, he was annoying but very intelligent. I reached for the water cueing for him to come over. "Please do not leave me alone with her. My blood pressure will explode." I whispered in his ear. He backed away understandingly as my doctor returned. "I'm sorry, are you the immediate family?" She turned to my brother. He nodded as my mom went over asking questions. Lucas realised that his time had to have been cut short. "I'll see you later," he mouthed, my face fell in disappointment but I understood.


Rain wasn't home, her parents were, but their car was missing. I called her phone twice, no answer.i decided it was best if I headed back to the hospital. When I got there the security guard let me in recognising my visitors pass. In the elevator I saw Rain's bright highlighted hair. I sprinted to the elevator but my short legs couldn't make it in time. I watched as the number stopped at the second floor, except Allison was on the fourth. "Where the hell is she going..?" I whispered.

The elevator doors opened and I raced in clicking the second button repeatedly. Why are here these things so slow. I followed her towards the room before freezing in my tracks. It was him, the same boy she had hit with her motorcycle. "Marcus." She smiled. Reilly never smile for boys, we were all convinced her sexuality was her biggest secret because she always said, "Relationships are wastes of time." But here she was. Playing doctor or fallen angel to her victim. I backed away slowly running down to the lobby to call Harley and tell her the news. No answer why was everyone so busy.

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