16. Chapter - The Entrance

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Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I could feel a slight tugging of my fur every time I moved my snout, all sticky and disgusting from the blood I spilled

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Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I could feel a slight tugging of my fur every time I moved my snout, all sticky and disgusting from the blood I spilled. I could still taste the coppery flavor in my mouth, reminding me of what went down a while ago. Adam was going to pay for what he did, but for now, I had to settle for a mere bite into his side and both ankles, rendering him immobile so he couldn't run away. Elias bound him to one of the old, enormous trees there, using something he refused to call magic, but that was literally what it was. I had no idea how he did it and if it had anything to do with the fact he was an ancient wolf, but he forced the tree roots out of the ground, all of them slowly tying Adam to the tree trunk, turning into solid, unbreakable chains. He promised the bastard wouldn't be able to get free however hard he tried or whoever tried to help him, but I was still a little suspicious of the whole thing. Magic could be tampered with, especially if an experienced mage or, god help us, warlock decided to go for it. The sly fuckers liked a challenge. Warlocks were worse in this. They were unnatural. Murderers who sacrificed humans to attain immortality. Luckily, as far as I knew, there weren't any anywhere near our territory. They were rare as it was because the council made sure to lock away those they found. I couldn't even remember the last time I heard about a warlock who wasn't taken care of.

Concentrating on the smells surrounding us, I caught one that didn't fit within the forest. Turning to my right, I growled at Elias, gaining his attention. We turned into wolves the moment we entered the forest. It was an elven territory, and as such, we needed our wolf sight to find our way around. Walking through their forest with human eyes was like walking naked outside in winter when it was below zero degrees. We would be asking for death. Elven magic was too much for everyone, not just humans, who had no idea of the supernatural world.

Elias stopped, looking at me expectantly. We couldn't speak to each other as wolves, so I was left with wolfish noises and body movements. Nodding my head to our left, I growled again, sniffing the air and looking pointedly at him. He stared at me for a moment, snorting as if laughing at me for trying to communicate with him. I wanted to give him a piece of my mind, but there wasn't a time for that. He sniffed the air, too, suddenly changing his direction and running towards the smell without further ado. It took me a few seconds to follow his lead, just barely catching up with him.

I had no idea what that smell was, but it was as far from the forest smells as possible. Something evil and unnatural. If what Adam said was true and this Eilan guy killed Irlan and was about to take over the elven clan, it had to be this. The forest and village itself were crying for help. I didn't know enough about elven traditions and lifestyle, but even I knew taking power with force from one of their own was the worst kind of crime. This guy had to be out of his mind to try it. Completely and utterly insane. Just thinking that Karen was in the presence of such a psycho made my blood boil.

I followed Elias, trying to keep up with his pace the whole time. He was fast. And for whatever reason, I was sure he was holding back for my sake. It hurt my pride, but I constantly reminded myself he was thousands of years old and who knew what else. The most important thing right now was to reach Karen in time. If it meant I was to follow another alpha wolf, then so be it. I would get over it. My pride was currently the last issue I had to worry about.

Bittersweet Confession (MxM) | FORGIVE ME series, book 1Where stories live. Discover now