11. Chapter - Lost

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My head was pounding

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My head was pounding. I never experienced a pain like this before, but if someone ever felt the need to knock me over with a hammer, this was how I would imagine the pain to be. What the hell did I do last night to have such a fierce headache? Reaching for my mobile phone to check what time it was, still half asleep, I gasped.

I wasn't at home. If the wet and coarse substance I dug into in my unsuccessful search for my phone wasn't anything to go by, the sounds of birds singing all around me and the fresh wind ruffling my hair was enough of a proof.

I was outside.

Opening my eyes, suddenly wide awake, I couldn't help but moan at the throbbing pain. The sun was high in the sky, and the light didn't do me any good. My head hurt as it was. The sharp rays of sunshine falling right into my face made it ten times worse.

I sat up, my vision swirling. It took me a while to finally focus my eyes on one spot in front of me. It was a huge trunk of a fallen tree. I never saw a bigger tree trunk, and even though it was absolutely pointless to think about it, I couldn't stop wondering how old the tree had to be to grow into such a magnificent size. The trunk itself was covered in moss, deep irregular grooves spread all over it creating an image of green water surface.

Shaking my head, I chuckled at my ridiculous thoughts. It was just a tree!

"Oh, God," I murmured, narrowing my eyes to look around to get a better idea of where I was. I had no idea why I was where I was, but based on the pain that was radiating from the back of my head and my memories of the previous night, I was sure I was knocked out and kidnapped. There was no better explanation I could come up with at the moment. Let's forget the fact I had no idea why would someone bother kidnapping me in the first place. I wasn't rich, and I had no recollection of pissing someone off so much to deserve this.

Taking in my surroundings, I realized the trees growing around me were all just as huge as the fallen one in front of me, the majority of them covered with wildflowers twining around them like snakes. Even the colors of all the plants were much brighter. They were so bright it was almost impossible to believe, which told me enough to become wary.

The place I was at was definitely touched by supernatural powers, and I wasn't sure how I felt about it. Being there all alone, without any means of contacting anybody and having no idea how to get out of the forest wasn't the best situation. In fact, it was probably pretty dangerous. Crossing the borders of supernatural territories was hazardous. They didn't like humans in their land. Eileen always told me no one would harm me as they had their own set of rules and laws concerning their contact with human world and humans in general, but like in my world, not everyone abided by the law.

My thoughts were going in all kinds of directions, running from wild fantasies of meeting a fairy or a talking bear when I felt unfamiliar ticking under my t-shirt. My body froze at the spot.

Bittersweet Confession (MxM) | FORGIVE ME series, book 1Where stories live. Discover now