Chapter 26

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Marco awoke to soft sunlight, tangled up in cool silk sheets in a humongous bed. The walls were the gray stone of Castle Mewni. His body ached all over, but it was a comfortable ache. Suddenly, he became aware that someone was holding him from behind, their breath warm on his back. He jumped up in shock and spun around, only to see Star, just waking up, her sleep interrupted by his movements.

"Hmmm...Marco? MARCO!" she cried, flinging her arms around him. She smelled sweet, like flowers. "You're awake!"

"Yeah...what happened?" Marco disengaged from her hug and looked down at his chest. There was an ugly, twisted scar there. "Also...why am I not wearing a shirt? Or pants?"

"Well, they were sort of covered in blood," said Star. She reached out with one hand and delicately touched his face, nervously flinching back when her fingers brushed his skin. Suddenly, Marco remembered what had happened before he had fallen unconscious: TickTock, dragging a blade deep against his face, so deep he could feel the blade scraping against bone -

Marco leapt out of the bed and ran to a mirror, examining the scar on his face. "Wow, it's not as bad as I thought it would be," he said, examining the light pink line that extended from his forehead, across the bridge of his nose, and down the corner of his lip.

"Well...I might have magicked away that scar a bit. TickTock actually almost sliced your face in two." Star cast her eyes down, squeezing her shoulders. Marco shuddered. "But I left some of it there. I thought you might want a scar to show off."

"Hmmmm...yeah, it looks...interesting. I like it!" Marco preened in front of the mirror. "Wait, where are my parents? Janna? Ferguson?"

"Ferguson...I...I honestly don't know. Your parents and Janna are back on earth," Star replied. She was staring at Marco with an intensity that almost made him uncomfortable. "You were actually out for a few days. Your parents agreed to leave you here - they figured that magical healing would be more than any hospital could do."

"I'm surprised they wanted to do that, after everything that's happened." Marco sat back on the edge of the bed. It felt good to be up and moving, but his muscles still ached.

Star laughed, and Marco could tell she was happy, genuinely happy. "That's the thing. After we fell through the portal, your dad helped save my mom and dad from the robots that TickTock summoned. If it wasn't for him, they would have been killed." She shrugged. "I think my mom is still a little wary of him, but it doesn't matter. She said I could go back!" She flung her arms around Marco again, and he fell back against the bed with her on top of him. "I can go back to living with you!"

"Really?" Marco laughed as Star hugged him tightly, nuzzling him.

"Yeah! My dad even said it might be good to have me living with a magic user. Someone who can make sure I don't do too much damage. I'm just glad I don't have to leave." Star was wearing a thin nightgown, and Marco could feel the heat of her body through it, pressing against his skin. Her face was inches from his. He could feel her heart fluttering, feel her chest rise and fall with each breath. "I thought I had lost you," she said, a tear suddenly rolling from one eye. "I thought I would never see you again...then I thought you were dead..." her hands trembled, clutching at his shoulders.

"I was worried too," said Marco, pulling her close, hugging her tight. Star gave out a little gasp. "I thought TickTock had killed you at one point."

Star's forehead was now touching his. He could feel her tears dripping from her eyes onto his face. Her breath was shaky, and she was trembling. "Please never leave again," she said, and then she was kissing him, and her lips tasted sweet, her hands were on his face, pulling him in to kiss him harder, and her body was pressing against his, and all Marco could think about was the feel of her skin on his and her lips on his.

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