Chapter 25

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A long time ago, there had been a peaceful forest dimension, a world of lush green, fields of vibrant flowers, and endless shady paths. A paradise, some would call it. The most intelligent inhabitants of this dimension were a race of fae that were bound closely to nature, so much so that they seemed part plant. Beautiful, tall, thin, graceful men and women, with flowers blooming in their hair, or wound around with vines, or legs and hands that ended in rough bark. And these fae took care of the forests, and most importantly, tended to the Tree of Life, the massive, ancient tree that, legend told, held their world together.

It was to this world that the current Queen Butterfly came, as a child (PRINCESS Butterfly, at the time), to learn magic, from these very magically inclined fae. She was placed under the tutelage of one of their royalty, Prince Maedoc. From the moment she had stepped foot in their dimension, Maedoc had been wary of her. "Pleased to meet you, Prince Mydick," had been her first words to him.

The Princess soon proved to be a destructive terror. No matter the tutelage Maedoc had given her, her spells had wreaked havoc - forest fires, plagues of leaf-eating beetles, root rot. And the power of the wand she held meant that these disasters only got worse as time wore on. But no matter the pain she caused, she would simply laugh at him. "Get over it, Prince MadDork."

It wasn't long before Maedoc had put in a request that she be taken back to her dimension. The day she left, she had insisted on trying a particularly difficult and complex spell. Maedoc had wanted to forbid it. But he figured, she would be leaving that afternoon. Might as well not fight her on it. Just give her what she wants until she's gone. He had given her the go-ahead.

Moments later, Prince Maedoc was on his knees, watching in shock and horror as the Tree of Life burned down, as the fae tried, in vain, to combat the inferno. The Princess had approached him, honest remorse written all over her face, for once. "I am so, so sorry, Prince Michael," she had said, giving him a hug. "I'll have my parents send a new tree or something."

Prince Maedoc had just looked at her, dumbfounded, as a portal opened, and she slipped through, leaving his dimension.

That day, the Tree of Life had burned down. And deep in the ground beneath it, where its roots had dug deep, something awful had been living. The forests of Maedoc's world grew sickly, weak, began to die. He watched as his people withered, fell ill, and died off. All calls to the Butterfly royal family went unanswered.

In their desperation, the mages of Maedoc's court turned to Machine Magic, a long-scorned practice on his world. The horror that had lain beneath the Tree of Life was contained within a massive, mechanical dome. But still that did not stop the forests of his world from dying, and the fae with them. Finally, the mad mage Cessyl had come up with a plan to keep his people alive: implant the remaining fae within magical mechanical bodies.

Maedoc had given the reluctant order that had seen the forests of his world replaced with massive factories for the creation of these mechanical bodies, had seen his beloved trees chopped down for fuel. He had personally resisted the conversion for as long as possible, but in the end it was inevitable, as the flowers in his hair began to dry up and his vines turned black, he had been, himself, placed within one of these mechanical bodies, the most intricate, grand one the mad mage Cessyl could design.

But even this was not a real solution. Their entire world now a smoky haze of factories, concrete and steel, and all they had purchased was a temporary reprieve. For they still could not reproduce. Without the forests, without the tree of life, these fae could have no new children. They still lived long lives, well over a thousand years. But after the current generation died off, there would be no more fae. And their world would be an empty, dead one.

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