Chapter 14

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Marco crouched miserably in the rotted hollow of a dead tree, drawing his father's multicolored cloak around him to protect from the soaking rain. It was unbelievably muggy in the swamps of Mewni.

It had taken Janna an entire day to prepare the spell ritual that would bring them here. Marco had prepared by packing a backpack full of food, supplies, and a couple of tents. He would have packed three, but two was all he had. Janna, of course, insisted on sleeping in his. He had also, on an impulse, bought along his father's cloak that had been in the study. It was light and cool, more than seemed possible, leaving Marco wondering if it was magic. He tried not to think about the great bloody mess that the spell had left in his parent's living room.

At first, he had been delighted that it had worked. The moment that Janna had finished her incantations, a smoky, blood-red portal had opened up in front of them. Marco had eagerly dived through.

But it wasn't long, though, before they figured out that the spell hadn't necessarily dumped them near anyone they were looking for. They were in the middle of a muggy, humid swamp. Most disturbingly, in the sky hung a huge, burning eye. When Marco climbed a tree, he could tell it was coming from some ruins that were unsettlingly close to them. He could also see what looked like a castle and a city in the distance. He had quickly decided to move as far away from the burning demon eye as possible, and move in the general direction of the castle.

But it had been slow going in the swamps. Ferguson, surprisingly, was actually light on his feet when it came to marching. It was actually Marco who had the most trouble. The pack on his back wore him down, and it seemed like every step his feet sunk into sucking mud. It hadn't been long before night fell, and they had to find some solid ground to make camp on. Janna had given him a sly wink as she crawled into their shared tent, so Marco had insisted on taking the first watch. He had wanted to be alone for a while to formulate a plan. All he could think was that it was probably best to head towards the castle. Star would most likely be there, and she might have information on what happened to his parents.


Marco yelped at the sound of his name, jumping out of his hiding spot. He flicked his flashlight on, and the light illuminated the chubby face of Ferguson, hanging mere inches from his. He looked like a ghoul in this light, so Marco yelled again.

Ferguson laughed, clapping Marco on the shoulder. "You're too easy to sneak up on."

Marco shuddered at Ferguson's touch. He still wasn't sure what to think of him. And he had no idea how, exactly, the fat kid managed to sneak so silently through the swamps. "Yeah...what's up?"

Ferguson shrugged. "My turn for watch. Go get some sleep."

As Marco stumbled and slipped his way back to his tent, he noticed that a flashlight was illuminating it from within. When he entered through the flaps, Janna was within, lying on her stomach, reading through his father's spellbook, and the copy of Star's spellbook, that they had bought with them. She was also completely naked, her tan skin covered in a slight sheen of sweat.

Marco found he was more exasperated and amused by this than shocked or nervous anymore. He was too worn out, had seen too much, to be shocked at this breach of propriety. "Janna, why are you naked?"

Janna glanced up at him, smiling. "I told you, Diaz. I always sleep naked. Besides, it's so hot." She winked at him. "You should take your clothes off too."

"You don't look like you're sleeping to me." It was unbearably hot. Marco took off his father's cloak.

"Maybe you could help me sleep," Janna said slyly. Then her eyes widened as Marco continued to strip, taking off his shirt and jeans as well. "W-woo!" she finally stammered, again trying to hid her nerves. "Take it off!"

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