Chapter 4

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It was hard not to stare at Star in her bathing suit.

It wasn't even that it was revealing, although that was definitely part of it. But she seemed less sexual than gorgeous. She had her hair up, and her wings covered the straps of the bikini, making her look almost topless from behind, and something about her bare back almost took his breath away. The sarong shimmered around her hips, translucent, casting her thighs in shadow. Marco realized with a start that despite trying, he was staring at her again, and quickly looked away. But he looked back when he noticed Star was staring at him as well, and pretty intensely. Suddenly she seemed to snap out of it and smiled.

"Wow, Marco, you look pretty good. Those runs and all that karate are doing you a lot of favors," she said, squeezing the muscles on his arm.

Marco laughed nervously. It's just your stupid hormones, he thought to himself. This is Star, your friend, and it's just your stupid hormones making you nervous. "Thanks Star. You look pretty good yourself." Star laughed in response, and Marco wasn't sure if he was just imagining the blush in her cheeks.

Mr. Diaz was setting out a blanket while Mrs. Diaz pitched an umbrella. Marco knew his dad was more of a fan of building sand sculptures than anything else while at the beach, and his mom would probably be reading, but he really wanted to swim. The ocean was beautifully clear.

"Hey Marco, can you help me put sunscreen on my back?"

Marco glanced back at Star. She was lying on her stomach on a towel, looking over her shoulder at him. Of course she would need sunscreen, she was so pale that she'd probably burn to a crisp if she didn't have it. "Oh, sure," he said, casually.

Okay, he thought, just do this as quick as possible, and don't think too hard about what you're doing. Don't let your hormones control you. He took a bottle of suntan lotion and squirted some onto his hands.

And the moment he touched Star, she jumped a bit under his touch, and then relaxed and said "Ooooooh, that feels goooooooooooood."

Fuck, thought Marco.

Marco rubbed the sunscreen on as quick as possible, trying to ignore how smooth and cool Star's skin was, or how she occasionally let out little "Mmmm" sounds. Then he lifted up one of her wings to get beneath, and she gasped and shivered.

"Uh, Star? Are you okay?"

"Yes," Star squeaked, "I guess my wings are just really sensitive-"

"Oh, should I stop?" Marco said, letting go of the wing.

"NO!" Star shivered again, then let out a long sigh. "No, it's fine, I just wasn't expecting it. Go ah-AAAAAH!" Marco had picked up her wing again. She clapped her hands over her mouth. Marco looked back at his parents, but his father was busy building a sand castle and his mother was obliviously reading a book.

"I guess I know one of your weak spots now," he said, to try to relieve the tension, but it didn't seem to work much. Instead he just applied the sunscreen as quickly as possible while Star squirmed and made muffled sounds into her hands. She was especially sensitive around the base of her wings, and when he touched her there she let out a tiny muffled scream. When he finally finished she got to her feet, face bright red and legs shaking.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked.

" was just really, uh, ticklish." She took a deep breath and her legs stopped shaking a bit. "So...let's go swimming! I really need to cool off."

"Haha, did you see that?" Mrs. Diaz whispered to her husband as Marco and Star walked off.

"Yes, darling. But like I said, we already know they LUST after each other. We need LOVE."

"Well, lust is pretty much halfway there," said Mrs. Diaz, running her hand playfully across her husband's chest.

Mr. Diaz just smiled at her and took out Star's spellbook. "Let's see what we have in here that might help us," he said, opening it.

Glossaryck stared out from the pages at him, balefully. "This book is for Princess Star Butterfly only. And unless I'm remembering incorrectly, Princess Star Butterfly is not a large, hairy man. Goodbye!" And the book slammed shut.

Mr. Diaz frowned and pried open the book again. Glossaryck flew out and into his face almost immediately. "Listen, buddy. I'm not joking when I say...wait." Glossaryck's eyes widened. "YOU'RE-"

Mr. Diaz caught Glossaryck before he could say anything and shoved him in the back of the book, trapping him there with the bulk of the book's pages. "You and I will have a talk later, my friend." Mr. Diaz began flipping through the pages, while Mrs. Diaz looked over his shoulder, until he said "Oh, THAT looks interesting."

Marco and Star had swum out pretty far, and had sort of lost track of where they were while joking around and splashing each other. Then Star had noticed some tidepools behind some rocks, and Marco couldn't prevent her from staring, fascinated, at all the tiny life trapped within. They were staring deep into a pool, watching a starfish slowly approach a crab that seemed more annoyed than anything, when a sudden "HEY MARCO," made him slip backwards into the water.

"Smooth," said Janna, standing almost directly above him. She was wearing a green bikini that had camouflage patterns worked into it.

"Hey Janna! How did you find us out here?" Star said as she helped Marco up.

"Oh, I've been watching you guys. For a while. How are YOU doing?" Janna said, clapping her hand on Star's back, deliberately (or so it seemed to Marco) brushing her hand across one of Star's wings. Star stiffened, clenched her hands at her side, and sank into the water.

"That's...sort of creepy." Marco offered a hand to Star but she refused with a squeak, apparently preferring to stay crouched in the water for now. "What are you doing out here?"

"Oh, I just thought I'd come by to say hi. You know, people might get ideas if you're just out here alone together. Of course, they might get even wilder ideas if I'm out here with you too." Janna looked him up and down appreciatively, then stammered out "M-maybe I had some wild ideas," and all of a sudden Marco realized that despite all her bravado and flirting that she was intensely nervous, which put him at ease. He gave her a knowing smile and Janna just frowned and looked away, frustrated that she had lost control of the situation and dropped her facade. "Hey," she said, suddenly changing the subject, "Did you know that your parents have Star's spellbook? Mr. Diaz was reading from it."

"What? They do?"

"Oh yeah," said Star, leaping out from the water. "I gave it to them! Mr. Diaz said he wanted to look at it. Called it 'folk art' or something like that."

"Star!" Marco slapped his head. "Do you know what sort of trouble they could get into with that?"

"Marco, rellllaaaaaax. They can't do anything with the spellbook without the wand."

From the beach, in the direction they had come, there was a giant pink flash of light.

" least I think so."

There was another giant pink flash of light, and the sound of screaming.

"And anyway, Glossaryck should stop the-"

Several pink explosions, and more screaming. Marco, Janna and Star began running back towards the beach.

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