Chapter 3

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That night, Marco went for a run. It was a cool night, and the stars overhead always helped to clear his mind. He needed to think about two girls in his life.

Star...more than anything, he was troubled by the dream he had had about her. But, eventually, he just concluded that he was a teenage boy, and having sex dreams about a cute girl didn't necessarily mean anything more. He certainly didn't have any inclination to initiate anything with her. Star was a good friend, and besides, she was an exchange student living with him. That would just make things awkward.

Janna, on the other hand...he was pretty sure that Janna just enjoyed tormenting him. Just enjoyed tormenting people in general, in fact, and liked to do things just to get a reaction.

By the time he made his way back to his home, he was feeling much better. Things weren't an emotionally confused tangle. There were simple explanations for everything. His hormones had made him dream about Star, nothing more. She was still just a good friend. Janna was just a mischievous troublemaker who liked watching him squirm. That was all. Granted, things were going to be difficult keeping his hormones in check, but that's all it was, hormones. Marco stepped through his front door.

"Marco!" Star leapt up from the living room couch and gestured towards the television. "Have you been watching your history channel? Do you know what this Hitler guy is up to? He's got alien technology!"

"Hey Star," Marco replied, ignoring the nonsense. He was glad to see her, really. Now that he had thought through things, it seemed like the tension between them had disappeared. He didn't feel as awkward.

"Whoa, you are...REALLY sweaty."

"Yeah, I was running. I probably need a shower. Where are my mom and dad?"

"Oh, your parents said they were going out for dinner or something. Go take a shower, then I want to kick your butt in some video games!"

After his shower, Marco was pleasantly surprised to find that Star had made him a big glass of lemonade. "I figured you'd be thirsty after that run. Now let's play!" she said, shoving a controller into his hands.

They spent the next few hours laughing, joking together, playing video games. When Marco's parents called and said they'd be home late, they rented a horror movie. It wasn't a very good one, and they spent most of their time laughing at that one too. They kept ordering more crappy horror movies after that one, staying up late into the night.

Eventually Marco woke during the credits of one movie. Star was curled up against him, using his shoulder as a pillow. Gently, he tried to wake her, but she just muttered in her sleep and lashed out with a balled fist. Marco fell back and Star slumped forward, sleeping peacefully against his chest. "Oh, fine," he said, drifting back to sleep.

Later that night, at about two in the morning, Mr. and Mrs. Diaz came home to find Marco and Star curled up against each other, sleeping peacefully.

"Look at that," whispered Mrs. Diaz. "So cute." She delicately moved one of Marco's hands until it was on Star's butt, and gently prodded Star's head until she nuzzled into Marco's neck. "There we go. Perfect."

"Careful, honey," said Mr. Diaz. "I mean, we know that Marco WANTS Star."

"And she wants him too," scolded Mrs. Diaz. "What girl wouldn't want my handsome boy?"

"Yes, yes. But that's not LOVE. Remember, we don't want a teenage fling. We want royal magic grandchildren."

"Look at them though. Of course they love each other! Oh, doesn't it remind you of us?"

" I seem to remember that my seduction of you was much more...aggressive."

"This is true," admitted Mrs. Diaz. "You were such a devil."

"Oh, I still am." Mr. Diaz swept Mrs. Diaz up into his arms and walked her to their bedroom. "In fact, I'm feeling a bit devilish right now."

They made love as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake up the kids in the other room. Afterwards, they lay in the dark, naked and sweating, Mrs. Diaz slowly playing with Mr. Diaz's chest hair. "So how do we make sure they fall in love?" she murmured.

"Oh, don't worry. I have a few tricks," whispered , patting a thick book on the nightstand.

Star's spellbook.

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