Chapter 9

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Another one

Marco contemplated hiding before his father opened the door, but there was simply no time. There was stuff all over the desk, and simply no place for him and Star to hide. His father's frame filled the doorway, silhouetted in shadow, and Marco had time to think about just how big of a man his father was before they were spotted.

"Oh, hello, Marco." Were his eyes glowing? That was stupid, it had to be the sun reflecting off of them, didn't it? Oh god, it was just the sun, right? "Star." 's eyes darted to the items cluttered across his desk, and the doors slammed shut behind him as if from an invisible wind.

"H-h-hey dad," stammered Marco.

"I see you've been going through my desk," said Mr. Diaz, quietly. The room temperature seemed to drop forty degrees, suddenly. Marco could have sworn he saw his breath fogging in front of him.

"Mr. Diaz," said Star, confidently, "I saw that you were copying my spellbook. I know that you've been messing around with magic. It's not a big deal! I could even ask my parents for some court wizards or something to teach you. But you should know that magic isn't something you can just mess with! Well...that's what my mom says. I mess with it all the time. But...still...uh... ?"

Despite the fact that it was a beautiful sunny day, and there was a huge window open behind Marco and Star, the light in the room seemed to drop drastically, become sickly, yellow. As Mr. Diaz approached the desk, it seemed as if the shadows clung to him, keeping him wrapped in darkness. As he got closer, what began as a dull howl in the distance got louder and louder, until the whole room was filled with the unearthly moan.

Marco was shaking badly, but he managed to step in front of Star. The shadow in the shape of his father paused, seeming to contemplate him. "D-d-dad," he stammered, "I was the one who went through your desk. I was...looking for something. I'm sorry." Marco's breath caught in his throat. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest, and he was drenched in a cold sweat. His fathers eyes were now twin gold beacons, vortexes of swirling, orange-yellow light.

"Marco," Star whispered from behind him, voice quavering with fear, "What's happening?"

Mr. Diaz reached out, grabbed the wand on the desk, which erupted with bright green light. "Marco," he said, and it was if as his voice was echoing out from some vast dark space.

Then his father sighed, and everything was abruptly back to normal. No more shadows clung to the room, the unearthly chill was gone, the distant moaning stopped, and was simply a large man holding a tacky little knickknack in the palm of his hand. The doors to the room swung open. "Honey," called down the hallway, "I think it's time we had 'The Talk' with Marco."

"Oooh, I'll grab the albums," Mrs. Diaz's voice came from halfway across the house.

Glossaryck coughed weakly as he commanded the pages of the spellbook to part before him with a wave of his hand. He may be cursed, but he was also a court wizard of Mewni. He might not have the magic to dispel the curse, but he could counter some of the effects. Long enough to get a message out, anyway. The spellbook actually had a fair number of healing spells. Unfortunately, the curse was very intelligent. The moment he had come up with a plan to communicate to someone, he had found himself no longer able to fly. The minute he tried to walk, his legs seemed to turn to jelly. He had spent the last hour or so casting all sorts of healing spells that would trigger in response to certain injuries.

Gritting his teeth, Glossaryck began dragging himself toward's Star's mirror.

"Dad? What is going on?" Marco asked, as his father relaxed wearily in his desk chair and his mother plopped a couple of photo albums down.

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