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Chapter 1
(Kristen's POV)
I get waken by the soft little cries of Noah.
I take the blanket off the car seat and take him out.
I bounce him on my lap and kiss his forehead.
I fill his sippy cup with water and let him drink.
He likes water more than milk which is really weird. He finishes quickly and starts falling back asleep.
I wipe his mouth with his bib and I put him back in the car seat since we are about to land.
I put my seat up to the normal height. I put my tray up and turn off my laptop.
I put everything back in my bag and look at the little tv, ten minutes till we land.
I smile and turn my phone off. I slip it in the baby bag and close my eyes.
Ten minutes went by really fast. I wait till we fully stop and the let us people in first class leave first.
I pick up Noah's car seat after I get my bags and I walk off the plane.
I get handed a cart which I put the car seat in the back and the bags in the front.
Noah faces me and I make faces at him.
I look around until I see two familiar faces.
I smile and walk over to them. Without saying a word I hug them both, but keep a hand on the cart.
A second later they realize it's me and hug me back.
"How was the flight?"
"Really good actually, Noah cried once and his cries are so soft I disturbed nobody." I smile and take out my camera,
"Look who I'm with! I just got off the flight at the Sarasota airport and you know who I have to say hi too? If you guessed ted you're right!" I go find the fish tank and film ted.
I grab the baby carrier and put it on and put Noah in. I have the baby bag on my shoulder and my bag on my back.
Lindsey and Danny both grab a bag and I go to fist bump the statue,
"That's for you dad." I smile at the camera and turn it off.
Lindsey walks close beside me and looks at Noah,
"He's cuter in person." She says and makes faces at him.
We get to their car and Danny puts my bags in the trunk. I take off the baby carrier and put it on top of my bags.
I put Noah in the car seat and get in.
Lindsey turns around and smiles at me,
"I'm glad you're here." She smiles and turns back around.
"I see you stuck with vlogging!" Danny says, looking through the mirror. I nod and remember to turn on my phone.
I call my dad and he answers,
"Hey, did you land?"
"Yea about twenty minutes ago, I'm in the car with Danny and Lindsey."
"Awesome, we miss you already."
"I miss you too."
"Gavin's here if you want to talk to him."
"Can I?"
"Of course, let me get him on the phone."
I wait to hear Gavin's voice,
"I'm here, how are you?"
"Fine, I'm missing you, how was the flight?"
"Good, Noah only woke up once for a drink but that was it."
"He's really good and I'm so glad."
"Me too." I take a deep breath and sigh,
"I will FaceTime you tonight, ok?"
"Ok, I love you. Don't cry, you're fine you have Danny and Lindsey."
"But I don't have you..." I wipe my eyes and Lindsey turns around.
"Talk to you later."
"Ok, bye." I disconnect the call and I wipe my eyes again.
"Kristen, are you ok?" I nod and wipe my cheeks dry,
"I-I just miss my family."
"That's ok if you miss your family, just let it out." She smiles reassuringly and turns back around.
"How have you guys been?"
"Anxious for you to get here." Danny replies.
When we get to their house I get out and take the car seat out of the car.
"Remember our guest bedroom?" Lindsey asks and I nod,
"Yea, what about it?"
"That's where you and Noah can sleep. A crib and a bed is in there." I nod and grab my bags. Danny grabs a suitcase and so does Lindsey.
We walk inside and I set everything down by the door.
I sit Noah's car seat on the couch and I sit next to him.
"Can I hold him?" Lindsey asks, sitting next to me.
I nod and take him out of the car seat. She holds him close to her body and smiles,
"He looks like the youngest Butler boy, what's his name?" I laugh,
"Daxton, and everyone says that." Danny leans over the couch,
"Well everyone's right." I nod,
"He has a hint of Chaz too." Danny nods and I take out my laptop,
"I'm going to FaceTime everyone." They both nod and I go on FaceTime.
Gavin quickly picks up,
"Hey, how are you?"
"Fine, are my dad and Allie there?"
"Yea let me go find them." I nod and he holds his laptop and walks around the house.
"Here they are." He smiles and they come over.
"Hi Kristen! How's the Florida weather?" Allie asks.
"Eh, humid." Charles and Allie both laugh.
"You lived there for how many years!"
"I lived here for thirteen years but then I moved to LA where the weather is always perfect."
"How's Noah? It's really quiet here without the twins."
"He's fine, where are the twins, at my moms?"
"Yea, all we have is Gavin." Gavin's cheeks go red and I laugh.
"Well once he leaves you two can... You know what." I raise my eyebrows and Charles covers his face and shakes his head,
"Kristen..." I laugh and so does Gavin.
"You two know you can hit her if you want to." Allie says, talking to Danny and Lindsey.
Danny and Lindsey laugh.
"No like I'm serious, I'm not joking about having another kid. Because with me you won't see Noah all the time and same with the twins. Just have another kid."
"Kristen," Allie stops and tells Gavin to leave the room.
Lindsey and Danny leave the room with Noah.
"We don't want to have another kid, we are scared that we will lose that kid like we lost Brianna."
"That's so upsetting! You don't want to have a kid because you are scared! Think about how Danny and Lindsey feel since they can't even have kids! They would love being able to have kids and since you two don't want kids they would love to take your spots!!"
I apparently made Allie cry because Charles pulls her to him and she covers he eyes with her hands.
Charles shakes his head and disconnects the call.
I put my head in my hands and close my laptop.
Lindsey and Danny come back in the room,
"Did they have to go?" I look up at them,
"Umm, yea." Lindsey sits next to me.
"Are you ok?" I shake my head and try calling again.
Someone picks up but it's Gavin.
"Can I talk to my dad and Allie?"
"Yea, alone?" When Gavin asks that Danny and Lindsey walk out of the room.
"Yea that would be better." He nods and goes to the kitchen.
I hear Charles quietly say to Gavin,
"Is that Kristen." Gavin nods and I hear Charles sigh.
He sets the laptop down and I smile at my dad and Allie.
"Allie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said I was just mad about what you said with the whole Brianna thing."
"Kristen, you really hurt her feelings, that was really rude of you!"
"Dad! I told her I was sorry and that's all I can do! I don't have anything else to say! Should I just disconnect the call and not talk to you again?! I hope you can deal with not seeing Noah!"
"Kri-" I disconnect the call before he finishes.
I put my laptop on the table and I pull my legs to my chest and lay Noah right in the middle of them,
"You're the only thing I have." I kiss his head and I feel someone's hands on my shoulders.
I look up to see Lindsey,
"He isn't the only thing you have, you have Danny and I." She hugs me and I smile.
"Should you call them again?" I shake my head.
"No, I might later. I made my dad mad and he made me mad, if I call him it will just be more fighting." Lindsey nods and sits next to me.
"I missed you when you moved to LA. I'm glad you came back." I nod and lay my head on her chest,
"Can I go visit my grandparents?"
"Sure, and you can also see your aunt and uncle." I nod and stand up.
I put on my Chacos and grab my phone and camera.
"Danny! We are going to see her grandparents and aunts and uncles."
I put Noah in his car seat and pick it up.
"Ok have fun!" With that Lindsey and I leave.
I put the car seat in the back and get in the front.
"I also need to get a car soon, orientation is in two weeks."
"Ok we can do that this weekend."
I get a car in three days. I nod and smile,
"Has anyone moved since you left?" I shake my head.
She nods and drives to Allis parents house.
When we arrive I get out with Noah and ring there doorbell.
I hand the car seat to Lindsey as the door opens,
"Kristen! You made it!" Lauren hugs me and kisses my head.
"Where's grandpa?"
"He's out with Justin but they should be home soon." She wraps her arm around me and we walk inside.
Lindsey comes in behind us and sets Noah's car seat down.
Lauren walks over to the car seat and smiles,
"Oh he's so cute." She picks him up and walks to the couch with him.
"Never thought you'd live to see your great grandchildren did you?" She laughs and kisses his forehead.
"How have you been? In LA and since your parents separating..."
"It was really hard at first. But now Charles is engaged and Alli has a boyfriend."
"Oh! What's he like?"
"He's really sweet. Better then that Nathan dude."
"I heard about Brianna, I'm really sorry." I sigh and mumble,
"So am I..."
Lindsey looks at me,
"What did you just say?"
"So am I...?"
"Why did you say that?"
"Because, do you want to know the real reason why I said that?" Lindsey nods and leans over the couch,
"I said that because I fought with my dad and Allie, not Alli speed, and I was mad because they don't want to have any more kids! They are scared of their kid having a tumor so I yelled at them saying how you and Danny would love taking their spot since you can't have kids! I made Allie cry because she is selfish!" I scream and stand up.
I start pacing back and forth and pinch the skin between my eyes,
"Kristen, Kristen sweetie, calm down." Lindsey stands in front of me and puts her hands on my shoulders,
"I'm sorry, I probably embarrassed you, I'm really sorry." She hugs me and I hug her back,
"For goodness sakes I live with Danny, how embarrassed can I get?" I smile and we let go,
"Let's go talk to your grandmother." I smile and walk back into the living room,
"Hey guys! Look who I'm with!" I turn the camera to Lauren and she waves,
"I bet you missed the vlogging." I say sitting next to her.
"Today since my flight was so early I decided to visit everyone. After th-" I stop because the garage door opens,
"Dennis and Justin are home."
"Mom who's ca- KRISTEN!!!" Justin yells and I run to him, vlogging.
He hugs me and lifts me up.
"When did you get here?!"
"This morning. Say hi to your sister."
"HI SISTER!!!" He waves and I turn off the camera.
"Hi grandpa." I hug Dennis and Justin sees Noah,
"Who's baby is this...?" He walks up to Noah and stares at him.
I speak up,
"That's mine..."
"Wait, he's yours..." I slowly nod and he sighs,
"My niece, had a kid before me..." I laugh and so does Lauren.
Justin hugs me and picks up Noah,
"What's his name?"
"Justin's a better name." Lauren laughs,
"Justin stop it."
We talk for a while and Lindsey and I leave.
"Time to see your dad's parents?"
I nod and we drive to their house.
(I had to look up Charles' moms name, BTW it's Marlene)
We get out and I hand Lindsey the car seat.
Charles' mom answers the door and smiles,
"How are you Kristen?"
"Good." I smile and take out my camera.
"I am here with the other side of the family! Say hi to Charles!"
"Hi Charles!" She waves and I turn off the camera. We walk in her house and I hug her.
Lindsey sets down the car seat and Marlene takes Noah out,
"He's adorable!"
Charles' dad comes out and smiles at me.
I give him a hug and he sits next to his wife.
I sit next to them and we talk for a long time,
"Does Melissa live in the apartment still?" They both nod and I stand up,
"Awesome, see you soon." I pick up Noah and put him in his car seat.
I walk out with Lindsey and we drive to Melissa's.
"I'm most excited to see Melissa and Tyson."
Lindsey laughs and turns on some music.
After a while we arrive at Melissa's apartment,
"Does she know you are here?" I shake my head and get out of the car.
Lindsey takes the car seat out and we walk to Melissa's apartment.
I knock and wait for someone to answer.
Melissa answers and processes for a second. When she realizes who it is she gives me a tight hug,
"Kristen!! You are finally back," I hug her back and we let go.
"Why are you here? Charlie never told me."
"I got accepted into FSU!!" She hugs me again and we finally go inside.
She hugs Lindsey and takes Noah out of the car seat,
"He's adorable. Kristen, is he yours...?" I nod slowly, here we go again.
"With who?"
"Gavin Butler?! Wow, that's shocking..." I nod and laugh,
"When my parents found out they were pissed, but they helped me through." She nods and we sit on the couch,
"Where's Tyson?"
"Oh, he's in my bedroom asleep, you can go get him though." I nod and go to her room,
"Tyson!" I call, turning on my camera.
I open her door and he starts wagging his tail rapidly.
I sit on the floor and pet him.
I go out of her room with him,
"I'm here to visit my favorite aunt!" She smiles,
"Wait I'm your only aunt!"
"And your still my favorite!" She stands up and hugs me.
We talk for a while then realize we have to leave,
"See you soon ok?" I nod and hug Melissa,
"Don't be mad at Charlie ok? I would feel the same way if I had a tumor. Love you."
"Love you too." I grab the car seat and we leave her apartment.
Lindsey unlocks the car doors and I put Noah in the back.
I get in the front and we drive to their house,
"I'm going to FaceTime Gavin."
"In the car?" I nod and pull out my phone.
I FaceTime Gavin and it picks up.
"Hi Gav."
"Hi Kristen. What did you do today?"
"I visited everyone, grandparents, Melissa and Justin." He nods,
"How was that?"
"Good, what did you do today?"
"Nothing, FaceTime your dad tonight. He is upset he yelled at you."
"Melissa told me the same thing, I don't want to though."
"Kristen you have too, I'm going to text your dad right now saying he has to text me when you FaceTime him and until I get that text I'm not face timing you, got it?" I sigh and disconnect the call,
"Kristen, you need to FaceTime you dad."
"I will my god! Can't I just have a break for once?! It's hard enough being away from them and yelling at them but now you, Melissa, and Gavin are getting on my case!" I look out the window as tears try to escape.
I blink and let them flow.
"Kristen, I'm sorry."
"Stop talking to me." When we pull in the driveway in get out without getting Noah.
I slam the car door and go in the front door.
I slam that too and go to the guest room.
I slam the door and lay on my bed.
I hear my door open a few minutes later and see Lindsey. She smiles and sets Noah in his crib.
"Are you ok?"
"No! I'm not ok! Just leave me alone!" I lay my face on my pillow and cry. Lindsey rubs my back but I push her arm away,
"Leave me alone!!" I scream and she finally gets it.
"Take Noah too!!" She takes Noah out and quietly closes my door.
I cry into my pillow and finally get up.
I go out of my room and grab my laptop,
"Kristen, do you want to talk?"
"No." I walk back to my room and open my laptop.
I start to edit the vlog and upload yesterday's.
I go on FaceTime and find Charles' number.
I call it and wait for someone to pick up.
Someone finally does and it's Charles,
"Kristen, are you ok?" He could definitely tell I was crying.
"I'm fine, just stressed because Melissa, Lindsey, and Gavin are getting on my case for yelling at you and Allie."
"Speaking of Gavin, he sent me a text."
"I know he did." Charles sighs and puts his phone down,
"Don't cry, you're fine ok?" I nod and wipe my eyes,
"Can you tell Allie I'm sorry?" Charles nods.
"Of course." He looks away from the laptop and smiles,
"Look, who's that?" He picks up someone and points to the screen.
I realize it's Anna and I smile,
"Hi Anna."
"Sissy!" She points to the screen and I laugh.
"Guess who I saw today?"
"Who?" I hear stomping feet and Chaz appears.
He sits on Charles' other leg and smiles,
"I saw your grandparents and aunt Melissa and uncle Justin."
"Did you?" Charles asks and kisses the twins heads.
"Wait why are the twins there?"
"Alli is going on vacation with her boyfriend so we get the twins." I nod and smile,
"I have to go, it's time for dinner."
"Dinner? It's only three!" Chaz giggles,
"Well it's six here silly." He laughs and I wave bye.
I disconnect the call and close my laptop.
I get up and walk out of my room.
"Hi Kristen." I grunt and sit at the table.
My phone vibrates and I check it. It's from Gavin,
'Im glad you face timed your dad, I'll FaceTime you later.'
'I don't want to fucking FaceTime you, I'm mad at you, Lindsey, and Melissa.'
'Why? Because we made you do the right thing?'
'Fuck off.'
I lock my phone and look around.
Danny is sitting in the living room with Noah and Lindsey's cooking dinner.
I go over to Danny and take Noah from him.
"Lindsey fed him about an hour ago." I nod and kiss Noah's head. I put him in a rocker and sit back at the table.
"Here is your plate." Lindsey says, handing me a plate.
I start to eat as Danny and Lindsey get there plates.
"Do you want to talk yet?"
"If you want me to not yell I suggest not talking."
"Well we are fine with yelling."
"And cussing...?"
Lindsey looks at Danny and sighs,
"Go ahead."
"Go ahead with what?"
"What's wrong? Why are you mad at us?"
"I'm mad at Lindsey because she is getting in my case like Melissa and Gavin are."
"She just wants you to make the right choice!"
"And how's that working out?! My dad wanted me to make the right choice nine months ago and look what happened! I have a baby!"
"Kristen, even though you didn't make the right choice mine months ago doesn't mean you don't have to make the right choice now."
"It's my first day with you guys and I already hate you!" Lindsey gasps and I leave the dinner table,
"You are not excused!" Danny yells,
"I don't give a fuck!" I slam my door and lay on my bed and cry.
It's the first chapter
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