chapter 31

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( ana welsh )

when me and our family's had gotten out of bed, "our family had went for a walk."

to see what to do, "and then we had found a toy store" so after we had went into the store we had saw a lot of water stuff animals on the walls or on the shelf.

to see what to do, "and then we had found a toy store" so after we had went into the store we had saw a lot of water stuff animals on the walls or on the shelf

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number 1.

and number 2

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and number 2.

( tyler welsh )

so after looking around the shop, "we had bought these two shark plushies" and go to our rooms for the day.

after our walk today, "our family had fallen asleep out of the toy store."

then we had put our family members onto the bed, "so they can take the naps."

then when they all wake up, "it will be dinner time."

monster planet pet g/tOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora