chapter 10

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( tyler welsh )

"since my wife birthday is today!" and our kids are out for school today, "i had went with pete and anthony to pick up two human kids from the orphanage today."

and since i have been working more days, "i had bought a human house for the human kids to live in" so after we had arrived we had saw two other parents here to adopt some humans into there family.

( oliver king )

"hi! are you here to adopt one of the human kids to?" and then i had turned around to see the owner of the orphanage.

( blue walker )

hi, "i'm mr. blue walker" so follow me to the playroom where we have humans and other childrens we have here to adopt.

"some of them are babies, toddlers and the older ones are kids."

sweety can you call over sebastian and his sister mika so they can go to there family please, "and then i had saw my wife had brought them out.

and sebastian and his sister mika had went with the welsh family, "then after the welsh family had left" we had saw the king family coming up.

( Cecilia king )

can we adopt that little girl over there by the giant teddy bear, "our daughter sheila would love to have a sister to play with" then we had saw the little human child was gently picked up and put into a basket with the giant teddy bear.

and then we had went home, "and when we had gotten home" our daughter sheila was awake and playing with jenna new house.

( sheila king )

when i had heard mom and dad were going to get me a little human sister, "i had went to make sure that my little sister house was all clean to live in."

and then i had saw my parents had carried in a basket, "that had a bear and then after they had sat the basket on my study desk they had left my room."

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