chapter 5

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( jessica evans )

after we had gotten two human families adopted, "me and my husband had gathered all the other little humans up in baskets to delivered to there new families."

and then we had went home, "until i had went back to our ship that can change into a hospital and pet store" so then i had saw there was some groups of humans that were left behind.

so i had gotten a basket for all the kids to ride, "and take them all to my house to figure out what nice family to give them to."

"because the murphy family lives with me and my family, then there is the william family that lives with the mern family and the stirling family lives with the turner family" so this is going to be a hard chose and i know i can't get attached to these orphans especially how cute they all look.

so after i had gotten to my house, "i had heard two of my friends came up to me and asking if they can adopt a human?" then i had turned around to see it was keith and alison.

then i had showed them the basket i had the orphan childrens in, "and the two orphans they had pick were: toby and his sister xena."

and then i had gave them there kids adoption papers to sign, "and after the papers were sign" i had went inside my house and see our kids."

( cane evans )

hi sweety, "while you went back to the ship i had gotten our daughter raven up from her nap" and told her to go play with her new little siblings while marj is taking her nap.

"oh sweety? don't worry we will find a nice family for these orphans" so please don't cry okay.

hey, "i will tell you what how about i go around town and find a nice family for them?" how does that sound dear.

( jessica evans )

that sounds like a good idea, "so how did our daughter raven like meeting her new little brother, little sister, uncle and uncle?" then i had saw my husband had brought me to the playroom and see they were playing together.

so then, "i had went to get marj up from her nap" and sat her in her highchair for dinner time.

( raven evans )

okay, "it's time for dinner" then i had gently picked up bill, lily, jace and jute to the table.

for dinner we are having, "chinese food."

"and then after dinner it was time to go to bed."

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